
hey guys- im looking for someone. i used to talk to them on kik and on here and i just straight up don't remember my old email and password so i need some help. one of them went by Zz_Tesla-Coils_zZ on here i think? And the other one was their brother/sister idk how theyre identifying now, they used to identify as trans but we haven't spoken in years. I can't find tesla on here anymore, if either of you see this somehow - Hi! Please dm me! I miss you! 
          	and if anyone who knew them/knows them sees this- please pass on the message!


hey guys- im looking for someone. i used to talk to them on kik and on here and i just straight up don't remember my old email and password so i need some help. one of them went by Zz_Tesla-Coils_zZ on here i think? And the other one was their brother/sister idk how theyre identifying now, they used to identify as trans but we haven't spoken in years. I can't find tesla on here anymore, if either of you see this somehow - Hi! Please dm me! I miss you! 
          and if anyone who knew them/knows them sees this- please pass on the message!