
          I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your story of kakashi Here for you.
          I’ve reread it at least 20 times everywhere that I am whenever I can it just really touches me there live story even if it never happened in Naruto.
          Please please please could you write the sequel of the story ! 
          I was thinking like maybe you know time skips bye and it starts out at when kakashi gives the position of hkage to naruto. And like there seconde child becomes friends with Boruto etc .. it’s just a few ideas haha 
          But please I think I’m not the only one who would love to read the sequel 


@MorganMcglinchey oops  I didn't read the comment 'til the end hehehehe sorry, I've only read until the word "naruto". I didn't know you've already added Boruto. Sorry


@MorganMcglinchey I agree with you. Now that Naruto has a Next generation which is Boruto. I hope their son would be able to be friends with Boruto. I will wait for it 