
I've lost so many people I love and it hurts me. Sometimes I wish I was dead and never existed but other times I'm happy I do. But I feel like I don't belong I feel like I'm a screw up. But I can't change how I am no matter how much I try. 


@jterry2084 I know how you feel. Just remember like I said I'm here for you. your not a screw up and you do belong. it's a good thing you can't change because your perfect the way you are. xox <3


@jterry2084 I know exactly how u feel


I've lost so many people I love and it hurts me. Sometimes I wish I was dead and never existed but other times I'm happy I do. But I feel like I don't belong I feel like I'm a screw up. But I can't change how I am no matter how much I try. 


@jterry2084 I know how you feel. Just remember like I said I'm here for you. your not a screw up and you do belong. it's a good thing you can't change because your perfect the way you are. xox <3


@jterry2084 I know exactly how u feel