
Awards alert! @AstaniaCommunity is hosting the Harvest Festival awards. Go check it out. 


Hey everyone. I started writing my first book, "The Matriarch's Daughter" in the summer of 2020, completing its first draft about a year later. A year after that, I reworked it, making tremendous changes. I love the story, but I have always had a single problem with it: The timeline. It's just too long, it offers too many jumps, takes too long to introduce the antagonist, makes it hard to write a coherent message. 
          The books that are after it are so much better, but it's hard to get people to read those, because the problems the first book suffers from. 
          This week I think I came up with a solution that will bring down my word count (form 106,000 words) and fix the timeline. For a moment, I'm putting my other books on pause to improve my first. I hope you will read it when it comes. Thank you all for being patient. 
          In the meantime, I will continue to post updates on "Into the Mist." Nothing about that will change. I hope you enjoy. 


Hi all my wonderful readers. Been working on another chapter of Chain of Memories. For the first time this book, Aurelia is returning to the Beachwick. I'm almost done with it. Not going to be one of my longer chapters but should still be more than 2000 words. 
          Until then, I hope you enjoy the next posting of Into the Mist (3200 words). Here's Chapter Two: Vanity


Had a very unsuccessful night of trying to motivate myself to write. Accomplished nothing. Oh well. That's the way it goes. On the plus side, that means those of you who are anxiously awaiting the final book in the Matriarch's Daughter Series get the first two chapters tonight (Prologue and Chapter 1). Please go check it out. It would really mean a lot to me.


Was rather inspired today and was taking notes all throughout my conference. I was able to write a chapter in the few hours since coming back. Here it is Chapter 23 of Chain of Memories: Telling the Lye (Yes, I do mean lye). 


@KitCorbeau lol well thanks. I go in spurts. I suspect I might two more chapters or nothing for a few weeks. I guess we will have to see.


@DarrianMackenzie Thank you. Anxious for you to read it.