
this message may be offensive
I feel like I'm kinda using this thing as a way to vent, but it's really the only place I feel comfortable doing so. Anyways, I'm fucked up. Not in the "oh I'm emo and sad feel sorry for me" way, but in a way that makes me feel stuck. I do my damndest to do things for other people--to take care of other people--and all I get in return is shit storm after shit storm. As a person who believes in karma, I can only come to the conclusion that I'm obviously a horrible person. I need to change something, but I don't know what. I never feel like I'm doing enough because my family only acknowledges the places in my life where I don't meet standards. I'm constantly playing catch up and I feel like I'm going around in circles. My life is dull and meaningless and I want to change it now. The problem is I have no way to do that. I really just want to pa k my things and just go, but I'm too scared of the consequences of spontaneity. My family has my future planned out and it seems much easier to follow that path. Hell, I could even be happy on that path, but there's still the possibility that I won't be satisfied. If people could just stop taking advantage of my kindness, if I could just be fucking happy and not keep disappointing everyone around me, that would be fucking great. 


@HollowNoggin Life is difficult and situations may suck but to me you aren’t a disappointment and you never will be. I wish the best for you and I care about you my friend and I am always here for you if you need to talk.


@HollowNoggin  ^look above  :). 
          	  You matter and I care for you.


But even if you can’t do any of that, try to be as much of yourself as you can be and know that I am here for you, that I care about you, that many people do or will care about you and your decisions. Know that you are loved and that who you are matters, know that though people take to much from you that there are those out there willing to be there for you in return. You mean so much to the people that you talk to and the world around you/what is effected by you and you don’t even know it. I know you believe in karma and that to you everything that happens happens rightfully so. However, believe in yourself as well, believe in your ability to effect the world, in your meaning, in how maybe there are some things that happen now so that in the future things can be better than they are not always that things that happen now are a result of you being inherently bad/doing bad actions. (I don’t mean to be perceived as un-understanding of your beliefs or as rude when saying that, I just don’t completely understand karma.) Anyway...who you are and what you do matters and though it is hard to turn away from the past and the belief that everything happening now results because of past events please try to realize that everything can get better, that you have potential and that you are meaningful. (I am not trying to be rude to your beliefs I just am trying to make you feel better in the ways that I know how to/that I can, sorry if I was rude in any way. I just dislike how you are in so much pain because of self blame and how I can’t do anything to be there for you and support you or help you other than to talk to you.) 


this message may be offensive
I feel like I'm kinda using this thing as a way to vent, but it's really the only place I feel comfortable doing so. Anyways, I'm fucked up. Not in the "oh I'm emo and sad feel sorry for me" way, but in a way that makes me feel stuck. I do my damndest to do things for other people--to take care of other people--and all I get in return is shit storm after shit storm. As a person who believes in karma, I can only come to the conclusion that I'm obviously a horrible person. I need to change something, but I don't know what. I never feel like I'm doing enough because my family only acknowledges the places in my life where I don't meet standards. I'm constantly playing catch up and I feel like I'm going around in circles. My life is dull and meaningless and I want to change it now. The problem is I have no way to do that. I really just want to pa k my things and just go, but I'm too scared of the consequences of spontaneity. My family has my future planned out and it seems much easier to follow that path. Hell, I could even be happy on that path, but there's still the possibility that I won't be satisfied. If people could just stop taking advantage of my kindness, if I could just be fucking happy and not keep disappointing everyone around me, that would be fucking great. 


@HollowNoggin Life is difficult and situations may suck but to me you aren’t a disappointment and you never will be. I wish the best for you and I care about you my friend and I am always here for you if you need to talk.


@HollowNoggin  ^look above  :). 
            You matter and I care for you.


But even if you can’t do any of that, try to be as much of yourself as you can be and know that I am here for you, that I care about you, that many people do or will care about you and your decisions. Know that you are loved and that who you are matters, know that though people take to much from you that there are those out there willing to be there for you in return. You mean so much to the people that you talk to and the world around you/what is effected by you and you don’t even know it. I know you believe in karma and that to you everything that happens happens rightfully so. However, believe in yourself as well, believe in your ability to effect the world, in your meaning, in how maybe there are some things that happen now so that in the future things can be better than they are not always that things that happen now are a result of you being inherently bad/doing bad actions. (I don’t mean to be perceived as un-understanding of your beliefs or as rude when saying that, I just don’t completely understand karma.) Anyway...who you are and what you do matters and though it is hard to turn away from the past and the belief that everything happening now results because of past events please try to realize that everything can get better, that you have potential and that you are meaningful. (I am not trying to be rude to your beliefs I just am trying to make you feel better in the ways that I know how to/that I can, sorry if I was rude in any way. I just dislike how you are in so much pain because of self blame and how I can’t do anything to be there for you and support you or help you other than to talk to you.) 


Hello, spouse


@HollowNoggin I'm having an affair with your sister. So there! 




I’m glad that it helps to know that I care :) 


@HollowNoggin that’s a relief to hear. I care a lot about you my friend and I want you to know that I am here for you no matter what


@RosalyndWall I promise I won't harm myself intentionally. Thank you so much for this. It really helps to know someone cares 


So I want to start writing a story but my problem is I run out of ideas or I just kind of forget that I'm working on something. If I started a new project, I'd need someone to help. I want it to be bxb and while I want there to be BDSM or age regression aspects, since those are two very important things to me, they're not required. Anyone up for it? 


@HollowNoggin  Hello! I'd actually like that quite a lot! I have exams soon but in a few weeks I'll be pretty free. If you're okay with me we can talk about it and see where to go from there. Bxb and age regression are both topics that  I'm fine with and wouldn't mind discussing at all. Whether you need to discuss ideas or proofread or something, I think I'd be fine with that.


Yo I'm sad


@HollowNoggin  I understand that feeling even if it might not be to the same extent. I've been trying to put my mind to my life goals but I'd like someone to talk to as well. If you do want to talk, I'm an option?


@Smut_galore thank you, that means a lot to me. I'm just pretty lonely at the moment