
Wattpad is such a funny joke. Like you go on AO3 and there are like multiple good fanfics and then you go on Wattpad in sees everyone's childhood misery.
          	Like they be mourning and shaming their past selves about their old books on here. And here I am to delete my past too.


Wattpad is such a funny joke. Like you go on AO3 and there are like multiple good fanfics and then you go on Wattpad in sees everyone's childhood misery.
          Like they be mourning and shaming their past selves about their old books on here. And here I am to delete my past too.


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          Typical asian parents thingies. They'll never be proud of you even if you did your best. You're the top student? That's not enough. You got straight A's? They'll check your papers and tell you how stupid you are for being unable to answer one fucking question.
          Nothing I did will ever make them proud. They never said they were proud of me anyway. Just tell me that I am a fucking disappoinment and I shouldn't have been born and how much they wanted me fucking dead.
          Dad tried to kill me. Mom threatened to kill me. What's the fucking difference? I'm living with two psychos who loves my brothers more than me. Ofc, I am the middle fucking child too. 
          I wanted to drop art because– don't judge me– this is a highschool course alright? There's a system where we have to take what courses we're interested in from highschool right after we entered form 4. 
          I took business and art. I can't carry on with art bc it's not easy. I'm not motivated to learn this thing either. So I thought about just keeping business as my additional course and told my mom about it. She said it's fine to drop it at first then this mf changed?
          She said art was easy BACK IN HER DAYS. Keyword : BACK IN HER DAYS.
          MOM, we don't study using your syllabus anymore. It's all improved. We have three art papers : 1. 40 objectives questions 2. Drawing (the question is not easy btw. Draw a trash can at a corner of a classroom, I dare you) 3. A whole fucking project where we need to make a folio. I need to tell the story about what inspired me to do the art. Draw the references like 1-5 times again. Draw an original art piece of my own and tell its tale. Then draw the last piece I've chosen in an art gallery? Crazy? Yes, crazy.
          I AM NUMB MOM.


Nvm this vent I passed my art exam and got 4As.


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@_Miles_Mia_Phoenix Yo your parents can go fuck themselves, tho I guess you already knew that. Put them in a fucking nursing home when you’re old enough to do so and see how they feel at that point.


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I think she just wanted me to get more A's so she could flex it to her friends? Cause overall the subjects that I've taken is like eight? So if I got 8 A's would that satisfy her? Like if I drop art I can still focus on those eight subjects anyways. Idk what the fuck is wrong with that mf.


Hayloft II besties 




            Whatever happened to the young, young lovers– 


Addmath is slowly choking me to death with quadratic equation being the first chapter. Why did I took this course.


            I'm on chapter 1 and I'm ready to be brought to the underworld.


@_Miles_Mia_Phoenix Oh ok. I pretty much remembered that I was taught that...but I forgot. Math is too broad lol there are a ton of stuff in one subject.


            It's additional math


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What do I get for coming back to his hellhole? Like no one ask me to but I need attention lol. I fucking hope that Wattpad would allow emojis.


            I've been doing that for 2 years so you'll be seeing at the gate of hell


            And I'm going to hell bc I imagined it


            Miles fucks with everyone until he found his mate like his mom. I am literally going to hell for saying this.


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Are you fucking alive? I'm genuinely concerned.


            Tough titties remind me of gregory edgeworth.


@_Miles_Mia_Phoenix damn tough titties. Don't kill yourself btw, you were put here to breathe, plus you could get older and have a gold mine in your hands. So yeah, stand please, and not on a chair. 


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Venting to nonexistent people.
          My suicidal thoughts is back and so does that little negative voice in my head. I lost that voice a few months ago but it came back. I have to force myself to eat again. I don't even want to eat. I want to die.
          I just want to sleep and never wake up but I don't wanna to go to hell with all of these sins I've committed. I'm deleting my books not bc I'm trying to heal or some shit, I just don't want you guys to have fake hope over me updating them. I don't even have a purpose in life. I just live for someone else. If I die then they'll cry. They'll feel bad. They'll blame themselves. I don't want to happen. I want to continue living but I'm tired. I don't feel sad or happy, I just feel so fucking tired and numb. 
          I'm tired.


@ _Miles_Mia_Phoenix  if you need someone to talk to im here


Bitches be like : I'm glad we started talking. And the proceeds to put me on seen for years like I don't exist lol.
          Idgaf about what's happening in your life.
          If you want to end this friendship then tell me. It ain't even that hard. All you have to do is type. Especially online friends. Like who tf do you think you are? If you think I'm some kind of stone that'll be waiting here for you forever then no. Grow up. If you want to say goodbye then do it for real. Y'all leaving someone without doing that is annoying asf.


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@ONE_PIECE_FOR_LIFE they need to learn that other people have feelings too. Like I ain't a fucking stone to wait for you ass to reply to me like nothing happened :D


Think about people's feelings, can you?


Please don't die


@aKidOrWhatever be proud that you didn't hurt yourself much.


@aKidOrWhatever I'm still proud of you. Even if it's a small achievement it's better than you being hurt even more than this. You did great.


@_Miles_Mia_Phoenix it wasn't that big of a deal