
hello friends! question for y’all: should i publish my Jinx one shots soon??


Hey folks! I know I've been absent for a while. I deeply apologize. I have been up to my neck in work and I've been having some crazy bad writer's block for months. I can't promise I'll be back and stay back for good. BUT I do have some one-shots and maybe a chapter or two of Hitchhiking coming your way. Thank you for your patience and support. I love y'all.


@jjustchillin I'm glade your okay!
            Take your time getting back if you do and do what is best for you:)


if you've ever put in a request to me, I promise I still have them. I've just started organizing all of them so I will get to them. I know some of you have been waiting... a long time. I'll get to them, promise. thank you for sticking with me ❤️


I think instead of doing Marvel women one-shots, I'm going to just do women one-shots. I have so many women that I love and wouldn't want to make separate books for each. so I'm thinking I'll just combine everyone into one book. meaning not all of them will be Marvel. just some thoughts


i don't think y'all are ready for Vertigo Book 2. it's going to be... SO good. speaking of, I'll be announcing the new title as soon as book 1 is all published!


@RomanoffFan1 they got together at the end of book 1. 


@jjustchillin what’s happening their


@jjustchillin this might be a stupid question but I’m gonna ask you anyways because I’m dumb, but is Tasha and Callie I going to get together or