
Since it's been a few months, today I've decided to give everyone a two for one.
          	First, chapter 60 of Rise Of The Moonwalker Pack is posted. And I've posted the next chapter in Rejecting Styxx. 
          	I hope everyone enjoys the chapters!! 
          	Till next week...


Just finished betas daughter....  love her!!!  Great store.  Had some awesome laughs..
          Gonna state Micah tomorrow.   How close is the final bk from being done?


@Summerreadfun there's about ten to 12 chapters left. I'm currently working on them and hope to finish this series soon then I'll be moving on to Rejecting Styxx. Thank you so much for all the support


Since it's been a few months, today I've decided to give everyone a two for one.
          First, chapter 60 of Rise Of The Moonwalker Pack is posted. And I've posted the next chapter in Rejecting Styxx. 
          I hope everyone enjoys the chapters!! 
          Till next week...


Hey guys!
          Just wanted to give a quick update. 
          I'm almost ready to post the next chapter, and have been working on the next few as well.
          Like I mentioned before, I didn't want to post anything until I was absolutely sure I was in a good state mentally. 
          I'm still waiting on test results to know the extent of my health problems,  but I'm optimistic at least. 
          My plan is to finish the Moonwalker pack series,  then get working on Rejecting Styxx.
          The one thing I do know, is that I'll have lots of time on my hands as I'll be off of work for probably 6 months to a year.
          Thank you to everyone who has stuck around, and to all my new readers and followers. 
          The wait for the conclusion to this final book is almost over.


@TheSixthAstral thanks! I miss being on here, writing and reading and conversing with everyone.  Time to start doing the things I enjoy again.


@jchara Glad to see you with an update! Really glad you're continuing to write and even planning your next book, too  


Sometimes I feel like my life is a constant whirlwind of crap! Henceforth this post.
          So, I havent updated my Moonwalker pack series in about a month, and I know everyone who's following this series is eager to see how it ends. I'm currently working on the 'big' chapter, but I'm not finished.
          I honestly feel like I owe you guys an explanation, so now that I'm doing a bit better mentally I'll give one.
          I've had a bunch of medical appointments over the last month, and a few days ago my Dr confirmed the worst to me. Yup, I'm talking the C word. So while I've waited for the results from all the testing, I couldn't mentally focus on writing. 
          I still have some more tests to do, and a game plan to figure out, but I'm hopeful that I can be fixed! In the meantime, I'm going to slowly work on the next few chapters, then proof read once my mind is in a better place. I'd hate to post something that I'll look back on and regret.
          I know I'm not accountable to anyone, and I need to take whatever time I need to get through this, but I just want everyone to know that this series is important to me, and I will finish what I started. 
          Heck, I'm probably going to continue on with Rejecting Styxx very soon as well.
          Take care, and you'll hear from me soon!


@TheSixthAstral hey, thanks for checking in. I won't lie and say I'm great but I am better mentally.  Still got a couple tests to do to determine if they can cure me or not. On top of that we have a massive reno starting tomorrow that I've been planning for 6 months, so life is a bit crazy. Seriously,  thanks for reaching out, it reminds me that I still have a life to live. Like finishing my book lol. 


@jchara Hey just wanted to check up on you. I know it's only been a couple of weeks. Just wanted to see how you're doing!


@jchara Omg I'm genuinely so sorry to hear about this. All I can do is echo what others would say; please stay strong and kick this thing. Please keep us updated as you go through the process. Literally everyone here is going to be rooting for you and praying for you 


Chapter 58 is finally posted. 
          I would have done it earlier, but I had a very eventful weekend. Since I don't mind sharing personal things with those of you who follow me, I'll tell you what happened.
          So, my husband purchased tickets to go see a Blue Jays game. Some friends were coming as well. We live in a very small town in Ontario, Canada, and I dont like to drive in Toronto so we drive to the nearest city, and take the Go-Train. Game was boring ( I'm not a sports fan lol) but when we got back to the train station things got exciting. 
          It seems there was a problem with the track not far from where we were, and the train could not come and get us. We ended up having to take two different subway cars, then a city bus just to get to where the train could reach us. By the time we got to our car it took 3.5 hours!! Then we still had an hour drive to get home.
          I'm not a fan of large cities, or big crowds of people. The subway and bus was filled wall to wall with people, which was worse than it sounds!
          So, I've spent the day exhausted, and regretting my weekend adventure choices lol.
          The chapter is finally up and I'm working on the next. 


@jchara oh wow, glad you guys are safe!


Chapter 57 is posted!
          It's not as long as my usual ones. There's a character that I've considered doing a chapter in their pov, but I wasn't sure when the right time was.
          I figured now was that time. So it's just a bit of a shorter chapter so I could explore who this character was. What his back story was. 
          I hope you enjoy it.


@jchara  thank you, thank you so much.. You just literally made MY day on a Monday morning at 5 in South Africa!!!!!!


Chapter 56 is posted. 
          So, my best calculation is that there will be 3 maybe 4 more 'big' chapters. Then I have a few that will be the aftermath, then at least one epilogue. 
          I guess this means we're down to about 10 chapters before this all comes to an end. I started this series two and a half years ago, so it's weird to think this chapter in my life is almost done.
          As always, enjoy!


@jchara omg you did it... 


@jchara thank you so much!!!