
this message may be offensive
I've heard u were going through depression and its not worth taking ur life I went through 8yrs. Of depression for something that made me feel like shit and I almost committed suicide its not worth it I was 9yrs.old and the only thing that made me stop was the thought of how my mom would react to my death I also thought of not failing God it was horrible and I got over it sometimes bad things have to happen for something better to happen ,their are obstacles and ya its hard but you'll survive its not impossible ,this problem will make u stronger if u have faith push ur self to let ppl. Know I will rise up like a Phoenix ,I will be more then u say I will be ,ur beautiful no matter what , if ur different show it off I'm a dark skinned latina and ppl. Say I'm black IDC I'll be what I'll be no matter what cause that will always make u fell better about ur self don't care about what ppl. Say tell them to fuck off ur AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


thank you so much doll! it means a ton! i go through lots of issues at home and i love people who help me, and i love giving people advice as well, i'll always be here if you need to talk and i now know i can talk to you if i'm ever feeling upset. thank you so much! 