"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. -William Wordsworth"

Greetings, I'm Jazmine Singcuenco. Since 2016, I've been engaged with Wattpad, preceded by three years of exploring eBooks. My passion lies in stories that inspire and resonate with me. While I'm venturing into writing, I must confess I'm not a professional. Yet, this endeavor brings me immense joy and fulfillment. Through storytelling, I unveil my emotions, thoughts, and the narratives I cherish. I acknowledge my imperfections, particularly in grammar and vocabulary, but I view them as opportunities for growth. My aim is not to cater to everyone's tastes but to authentically share my innermost thoughts and experiences. I appreciate those who embrace my journey and invite you to join me on this path of self-expression and discovery.
  • Manila, Philippines
  • JoinedMay 27, 2016