
Hi, it's day. Just wanna i form y'all that I will publish 3 of my finished books here that I couldn't publish on my main account. I wanted to give them away to random people, as I usually do, but I couldn't since I don't want to repeat what happened before, so I'll just post them here.
          	I'm also thinking if I should publish 'His Number' here since I'll never put that story back to my main acc...


Hi, it's day. Just wanna i form y'all that I will publish 3 of my finished books here that I couldn't publish on my main account. I wanted to give them away to random people, as I usually do, but I couldn't since I don't want to repeat what happened before, so I'll just post them here.
          I'm also thinking if I should publish 'His Number' here since I'll never put that story back to my main acc...