
Just strolling through, might update might stare at a finished chapter and decide to rewrite it for the 8th time idk 


ello jayjay, how r you??? I'm in love w/ Sweet Boy and needing an update buttt take your time. Lol. I'll just waiting here. And thank you for privilege w/ your wonderful writing 


@gal_jones lol trust they're not as good but yeah of course thanks for asking 


@jaybleurose waiting anxiously
            meanwhile I'll read your other stories. thanks for replying 


@gal_jones hey luv I'm doing fine busy as all hell tho, but legit thanks for asking. My old laptop broke and I just got a new one last week I've been so busy I just haven't put my time into my online life so alot of my files are still waiting to be transferred to the new laptop including new chapters of SB  ehehehe but I'm really glad you like SB its my favorite that I've written so far as well  TLDR I'll try and update it by the end of the week.


Hey, so I was editing Ch 16 for Sweet Boy and noticed that Ch 15 did not upload right. Looks like somewhere between Word to Grammarly to Wattpad about 8 prghs went missing from the end of the chapter which made it seem like a weirder cliff hanger than I meant it to be so there's that ฅ•ω•ฅ plz forgive lol


I feel like Life Support and Telling Alice are draining my creative abilities weirdly I feel like I'm so obsessed with getting the story right I'm writing it wrong...which makes no sense, it's my book so however, I want to tell the story is right...
          Anyways I'm putting them back on the shelf and working on something different for a while, kinda like when I did with Fun & Games just gonna poke around with some ideas that I probably won't finish but just to get my mind off the big stories I'm working on, so sorry for those waiting on updates for those but I will finish them just not right now.
          Also for those wondering The Boss' Wife will be updated after Life Support Re-Written is done