
Hey, everyone~ 
          	Hope you're all doing well! <3
          	Just a quick heads up. I'm sorry for not keeping my word on updating, and being offline for days, but things haven't been going on right mentally. 
          	Therefore, I'll start updating from this upcoming Saturday! 
          	Stay tuned!♡


@janxxe_rcjchai stay strong, stay healthy  n keep the spirit yes 


Hey, everyone~ 
          Hope you're all doing well! <3
          Just a quick heads up. I'm sorry for not keeping my word on updating, and being offline for days, but things haven't been going on right mentally. 
          Therefore, I'll start updating from this upcoming Saturday! 
          Stay tuned!♡


@janxxe_rcjchai stay strong, stay healthy  n keep the spirit yes 


Hey, everyone~ \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
          Did you all forget about me? Lol
          I hope you're all doing well~ <3
          I want to apologize for not uploading anything for a while without giving you a heads up. 
          Honestly, I've been struggling with a bit of writer's block and haven't been able to come up with any new ideas. It's frustrating, to say the least.
          But I promise to do my best to start uploading again regularly from now on.
          Thank you for your understanding and patience! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o


@janxxe_rcjchai take Ur time dear. I know it's not easy to write a story. I love reading...never love tp write . 


@janxxe_rcjchai it's ok author take your time 


@janxxe_rcjchai it's ok , take your time but can u give a update of toxic live 


Hi,how are you?
          I love your job 
          I have a question... Can I translate your fiction-toxic love- in my language?


@Shiroineko_o I'm sorry, but can you reach out to me first in insta? My ID is the same as this one


Hello, everyone~ \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
          I hope you're all doing well~
          As you know, Toxic Love is currently ongoing. However, I'll be extremely busy for the next few weeks due to exams. Since Toxic Love requires a lot of my time and effort to write, I've decided to take a short break from it and work on another story instead.
          This new story is different—it's a text/chat AU, which is much easier for me to write given my current schedule. Please remember, I'm not discontinuing Toxic Love; it's just a temporary break.
          I'll try to release the new story by tonight or tomorrow. 
          Thanks for your understanding! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o