My journey as a storyteller began with Festival699, a community  film event I co-founded with my partner in 2005. Every February we bring together a few dozen writers, directors, actors, and editors to screen the short films we've created. We eat pizza and give out awards. We're a supportive community of creative risk takers that come from all walks of life.  

From screenplays, I moved into poetry. I enjoy short form writing, thinking about each word, conveying meaning directly and indirectly through symbols. Unlike my films, which tend to be on the goofy side, my poems are more personal.

A few years ago I started a middle grade novel. Phoebe's String is for my daughters, both of whom gravitate to stories with strong female leads, reluctant heroes that are brave and at the same time vulnerable.

I'm more of an emergent storyteller than a prescriptive one. I love meeting my characters for the first time, discovering who they are and what drives them. I have a general idea of where they're headed but I let them lead the way.

Writing can be lonely. I joined Wattpad to meet and learn from other storytellers.
  • Saint John, New Brunswick
  • RegistrertMay 3, 2014
