
Hiii!! I just wanna say, I really enjoy your tiktoks, they make me smile and cheer me up, especially when I'm upset. I actually just finished the last chapter of your fanfic and *chefs kiss* it was amazing!! There were so many parts I enjoyed and some parts got me crying!! I can't wait for you to finish this story and hopefully write some more in the future!! Anyone would be so lucky to call you their friend, and hopefully one day, we can be friends :) *I hope I don't weird you out, hehe* Anyway, keep going, your work is awesome!!


I normally don't read fanfics I'm more focused on writing them but I've watched allot of your TikTok's and I wanted to read something your story is amazing I hope you write some more fanfics  soon! 


Omg Tysm! That means a lot you have no idea *this is my back up account, my original one won’t let me respond to messages* again, thank you beyond measure ❤️