
since 2019 is almost coming to an end, I decided to randomly pop in and state 19 facts about moi. 
          	1. I am 19 and a freshman in college studying design.
          	2. I'm majoring in illustration
          	3. I am Kpop fan now and Stan bands like exo, bts, nct and the rose. I also listen to a lot of Ateez and monsta x and how could I forget Day6?
          	4. Still a major Top fan. 
          	5. My Bias in Bts is Namjoon.
          	6. For exo I'm mostly ot9 but I do have a huge soft spot for Chanyeol as he got me into Kpop. 
          	7. I took a personality test and turns out I'm INFJ. 
          	8. I wear glasses which are round. 
          	9. If I would want to meet an idol and tell him the contents of my heart, that would be Namjoon. 
          	10. I can speak 6 languages, two fluently. 
          	11. I am learning Korean at the moment. 
          	12. I am very thin due to my high metabolism. This had lead to body image issues in the past but I'm cool with it now. 
          	13. I want to complete a novel someday. 
          	14. My favorite song at the moment is Promise - Exo, Mind is a Prison - Alec Benjamin and Falling by Harry Styles. 
          	15. Johnny Seo will forever be Daddy for me. 
          	16. I have an unhealthy relationship with red velvet cakes/cupcakes. 
          	17. I have grown more confident since the last time I did this!
          	18. I have an unhealthy obsession with Kdramas and have seen almost everything on Netflix. 
          	19. I'm finally happy with what I've picked and what I'm doing right now.


since 2019 is almost coming to an end, I decided to randomly pop in and state 19 facts about moi. 
          1. I am 19 and a freshman in college studying design.
          2. I'm majoring in illustration
          3. I am Kpop fan now and Stan bands like exo, bts, nct and the rose. I also listen to a lot of Ateez and monsta x and how could I forget Day6?
          4. Still a major Top fan. 
          5. My Bias in Bts is Namjoon.
          6. For exo I'm mostly ot9 but I do have a huge soft spot for Chanyeol as he got me into Kpop. 
          7. I took a personality test and turns out I'm INFJ. 
          8. I wear glasses which are round. 
          9. If I would want to meet an idol and tell him the contents of my heart, that would be Namjoon. 
          10. I can speak 6 languages, two fluently. 
          11. I am learning Korean at the moment. 
          12. I am very thin due to my high metabolism. This had lead to body image issues in the past but I'm cool with it now. 
          13. I want to complete a novel someday. 
          14. My favorite song at the moment is Promise - Exo, Mind is a Prison - Alec Benjamin and Falling by Harry Styles. 
          15. Johnny Seo will forever be Daddy for me. 
          16. I have an unhealthy relationship with red velvet cakes/cupcakes. 
          17. I have grown more confident since the last time I did this!
          18. I have an unhealthy obsession with Kdramas and have seen almost everything on Netflix. 
          19. I'm finally happy with what I've picked and what I'm doing right now.


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13 facts tag tagged by @lucifehh
           t y 
          1. I'm a high school junior fellas. 
          2. I have a thing for naming my crushes after characters from t.v shows.
          3. I wear glasses, which are very highly powered (and are ray bans)
          4. i'm 5'5 idk if u see that as tall or short idk either, I just grew 2 inches over summer
          5. i'm tan skinned. and surprisingly all makeup looks good on me when my friends do it :P
          6. My wardrobe is color coordinated from blacks-to navy blues-to greys-to whites. I also have a separate section for my fandom shirts and multicolored shit.
          7. i am a TOP fan. Like that shit is legit.
          8. I used to like 1D till freshman year?
          9. I draw inspiration for my characters from real life people whom I know or some of my alter egos.
          10. macaroons are actually colored donut like version of a traditional food famous in my hometown. #usastoleshit 
          11. i have a masterchef certificate for making the best pizza. :D
          12. I will not talk to you under normal circumstances. I'm more of the introvert. I only have a few peeps in my inner circle.
          13. I've been excluded from a lot of drama for the whole of last year because idk? and now I have to fix the shit up cuz shit went down. should've asked for my advice last year.


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@lucifehh yeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this year I was fixing up so many broken things and so many broken people because that's who I am & also tryin to stay legit alive at the same time because some shit came out that actually hurt me, but I aint human I am alien so well I don't hurt *note the sarcasm*


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I'm kinda semi-back? lol 
          i started reading the young elites and HOLY WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'VE READ 30% OF THE BOOK BEFORE? LIKE I REMEMBER ALL THE STARTING SCENES AND SHIT and I like just stopped reading for whatever reason I don't recollect???? It's so fucking good aaahhhhh I need someone rn to fangirl wiht me yo