
So… do y’all feel about a Percy Jackson post apocalypse AU?


@jackattack364 okay. By the way, how are you doing, buddy?
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@user70183105 no worries plus i haven’t published it yet 
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@jackattack364 hi. Didn't read it, sorry. Plus I had a glitch so I was unable to enter the wattpad's account.
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U know the prophecy of the seven and how the one line says ‘ to storm or fire, the world must fall’ well if I remember correctly which god has the tittle storm bringer


Poseidon but he’s far from the only god that can summon storms even in Greek mythology 
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So… do y’all feel about a Percy Jackson post apocalypse AU?


@jackattack364 okay. By the way, how are you doing, buddy?
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@user70183105 no worries plus i haven’t published it yet 
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@jackattack364 hi. Didn't read it, sorry. Plus I had a glitch so I was unable to enter the wattpad's account.
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What if Percy Jackson was a DLC mortal kombat character? Mostly like the intro interactions before fights with characters.
          I thought about just making a list of those in a fic but I’m not sure what do y’all think?


@user70183105 yeah I have some made but I’m not sure I’ll post it 
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@jackattack364 sounds interesting. I can imagine Percy making a snarky remarks and trolling some opponents or straight up making fun of them.
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Percy Jackson, but a Belmont?


@ BrockJr8  I was thinking either Percy is a demigod a speaker a Belmont and a magician or keep the previous three and and take out the demigod part although i'm not sure when to start the story in the timeline of pjo 
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            Ooh! Intriguing! Please, go on~
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Anybody want to read a story where Percy Jackson and Jesus teams up to save Santa Claus from the Devil?
          Cause I just started doing that first chapter’s up


@harrisonwellsfan999 nah that’s fair but it’s a crack fic so it’s not like I’m trying to be some top of the line writer with it
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@jackattack364 Can I be honest? any story involving Jesus isn't enjoyable for me. Like the passion of the christ, it was both not entertaining and antisemitic. your story is not antisemitic, but the use of jesus is played out way to much, south park, the simpsons, family guy, american dad, Mel Gibson, the whole religion, have made him just stale. The devil part is good because he comes in many forms in fictions, trigon in dc, but also lucifer the show on netflix, and mephisto in marvel, and several others. But Jesus he has a very one dimensional personality in story telling. So I'd avoid using Jesus as a character in anything, Im not trying to discourage anyones religion or be rude, I'm just trying to give feedback, so sorry if I hurt your feelings.
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tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
Why does everyone make Spider-Man Batman’s sidekick whenever they crossover in fanfics?I get the trope I really do traumatized teen poor as fuck maybe in need of some guidance like half of Batman’s child soldiers.
          But I can’t get behind it personally because that goes against the core concept of Spider-Man. Being the first Independent young superhero that’s *not* a sidekick personally feels wrong.
          And the only genuine criticism of the MCU Spider-Man that doesn’t feel like a hate boner in my opinion 


Hey there, good morning, just wanted to check how the progress is on “Interference”.


Jackattack364 can you please make a story about the Justice league in the Boys universe 
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@jackattack364 it’s all good, can’t wait for the next chapter.
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I worked more on other fics but chapter 2 should be there soon sorry for the wait 
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