
I've been on the fence when it comes to what I want to do when it comes to my stories. I have decided to revamp Sweetest Sin and Bitter Virtue to make them a bit longer and cancel out the 3rd book. I will also be reposting the revamp of the MOORE series.  All other stories will be put on hold or updated slowly.


I've been on the fence when it comes to what I want to do when it comes to my stories. I have decided to revamp Sweetest Sin and Bitter Virtue to make them a bit longer and cancel out the 3rd book. I will also be reposting the revamp of the MOORE series.  All other stories will be put on hold or updated slowly.


So many of you have asked me about our menage having another book. I did promise that so that I will be writing the first chapter today!


@itsFancee girl I missed your writing of this book thank you for the update. Love all your work and I appreciate you for writing on this platform. You are truly one of my favorite authors on this platform. You definitely have a gift in writing.


I am starting my writing again.
          With that being said, I need honest reviews about my writing. Things you don’t like, things you love, and what you want more of; (ie. dark romance, coming of age romance, supernatural romance) 
          Jameson’s story is being edited for publishing so the the second book will be extended. I will not share that content here, so technically that book duo is done. I will not do a third, just extend the second book. The books will be 2 dollars but free on Kindle Ultimate for a limited time when it’s first released. 
          So, tell me what you guys want and that will decide what I post on Wattpad and what I will post on Inkitt. 
          HAPPY NEW YEAR
          HAPPY READING 
          ALL THE LOVE, 


I haven’t forgot about you guys. 
          My pregnancy is NOT being kind to me. 
          But I want to let you all know that I am having a……
          I got my boy and girl. 
          MAMA IS DONE! 


@itsFancee congratulations.


When is the new book coming 


Congratulations hope you feel better and that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and take your time your health is more important


@MaeLynn640 I've been in and out the ER. My pregnancy is high risk. Most days I cannot get out of bed and when I can, I struggle. I've written the first chapter, just haven't published it because I'm not satisfied. It's coming as soon as I get my feet back under me.