
New story! Check it out:)
          	@ beautifully Broken✯


I will probably check it out, but what about the old one??
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Hey I can’t find your book beautifully broken anywhere and you also deleted your TikTok. Is there still hope for updates?


Book is still here I’m just in the process of writing chapters so I drafted it until I have a certain and Desired amount written! And the tiktok video  is private until I post the book again! It should be posted again soon!
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Hey I hope you're OK
          Did you deleted beautiful broken because I cant read it?
          Have a nice weekend!<3


No it’s not deleted! As I mentioned before, I’m in the process of writing more chapters and I wanted to wait until I had a decent and sufficient amount out before I post it again. 
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Is tne other storie(the soul behind a smile ) delited?, bc i realy liked the story.


@v1rgan_b00k_wh0re sorry just saw the pther post
            Wgen youre ready ,then you can aplode the story abd no need to post every day it cab be every week or month 
            ILY and your stories
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