
Jem: Lean down. 
          Elli: Okay... why? *leans down* 
          Jem: *takes off Elli's shirt and puts it on himself* There. 
          Elli: *blushes* You look cute. 
          Lorelai: *from out of nowhere jumps on Elli's back* Let's go play football! 
          Elli: W-what's That? 
          Lorelai: *gasps* You don't know?! To the front yard!! Jem, you come be ref! 
          Jem: *chuckles* Alright Alright, you two go ahead and I'll get the ball. 
          ( inspired by your background picture ) 


Awww! That's so adorable! I love all the small scenarios that you make! They're just so cute and funny! ^^
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Hewwo! >.< ^-^ :3 ;3 :) ;) ( ^.^ ) How are you? 


It's fine I feel asleep not long after that! XD 
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Hi! :3


@CrossFight1005 Sure! I'm down, wanna decide in pm?
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Fine fine... um... you... wanna rp? Mi bored... )
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