
nah i havent wached inside out in yrs and decided to wach it to day and bing bong jst jumped off and im crying and idk why. like ive seen it 1000 times befor ebut now im crying and idk how to explaine to my mom that im crying bcs bing bong died.
          	like im legit crying rn, tears and all.


@insertpennamehere__ IF IT MAKWS YOU FEEL BETTER I'M CLINICALLY DIAGNOSED WITJ ANXIETY (I'm on the highest dose of meds I can take, and they don't work...sos) AND EVERY. TIME. WE SEE AN ADD FOR INSIDE OUT 2, MY LITTLE BROTHER (He's 4. And cute.) POINTS AND SAYS "ADA, THAT'S YOU!!!! YOUR ORANGE! "


nah i havent wached inside out in yrs and decided to wach it to day and bing bong jst jumped off and im crying and idk why. like ive seen it 1000 times befor ebut now im crying and idk how to explaine to my mom that im crying bcs bing bong died.
          like im legit crying rn, tears and all.


@insertpennamehere__ IF IT MAKWS YOU FEEL BETTER I'M CLINICALLY DIAGNOSED WITJ ANXIETY (I'm on the highest dose of meds I can take, and they don't work...sos) AND EVERY. TIME. WE SEE AN ADD FOR INSIDE OUT 2, MY LITTLE BROTHER (He's 4. And cute.) POINTS AND SAYS "ADA, THAT'S YOU!!!! YOUR ORANGE! "


sure he has no morals, but he has long hair.

          and sure hes a walking red flag, but reds my favorite colar (no its not)


another one that firs them is 
            "i only speak to two people per day and one of them is me"


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
so what do u think abt drunk sirius being an absolute fucking dick?


@delphinescent good bcs hes abt to piss everyone off in tslorb


          hi, id like to give a warning, i wont be writing or posting over the summer. this is due to the fact that i will be spending my time getting to know my older sister. 
          i will try to post a chapter for each of the books and they will be as long as possible but in one week i will not be posting or writing.
          if i find time to write then i might but the chances are low.


@insertpennamehere__ hope you get to know her better, always feel free to take breaks whenever you think you need them❤️


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
yall i need a thereipist but im brok af so ive become my own therapist. i jst sit in my room and pretent im a therepast and someone else is talking to me abt their problems wich is jst my problems and doing so im realizing the reasons behind some things in my life. 
          example: i hate humming. i cant fucking stand it. if u hum, i willl punch u out. i can hum tho. u jst cant.
          this is because my mom has some brain diorder and sertan sounds make her violent, humming being one. so my whole life ive been tole "dont hum" "i dont like humming addi" "please stop humming addi" "addi stop humming" and so its asociated humming with being told no. stop. dont. and when she explained it to me anytime someone hums she would say "dont hum, it makes me violent remeber." or smth like that. and in doing so i was conditiond to asociate humming with violence.
          so now im capable of pin pointing my problems but not solving them.


@insertpennamehere__ well done tho, bae, proud of you for being able to figure out your problems. I’ve started trying to do that as well, but I’m starting to think I just have anger issues


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
i hate. and i truly mean hate, going over my writing and whatnot, trying to find that lily bit of inspo that was lef tbe hind for what to write next. bcs legit everytime im like cringing n shit like my god why


this message may be offensive
im dying why did i write this shit


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
yall i am so pissed rn. im sitting outside this store, waiting for my friend to be done and a little bit away there a dad and his kid. the lil kid looks sad and her dad asks why and she saud "mommy didnt give me a hug before we left." and he scoffs and says "your not a todler anymore, you dont need hugs."
          im sorry what?
          this girl looks seven. MAYBE.
          shes still a small child and whants a hug from her mother. god. im 16 and i hug my mom every single fucking day and you wont hug ur 7 yr old kid?
          fucking cunts.


yah im amarican. tho if were bing technicall, my ancestors on my moms side r english and sweedish and a few others but those r the mosr promenent.


@insertpennamehere__ wait.
            are you American?
            I'm just saying, American culture is kinda... iffy, if you know what I mean. I was raised mostly in China, and the Chinese culture may be formal, but it is very based around family and respect and all that. Hugs and kisses on the cheek are considered normal. You rarely ever see someone kiss their sister's cheek in America. Just saying.


yall i feel left out. the book im currently reading has these rlly common names and theres like 7 people in the comment who have the same bames and my name isnt that common and ive legit never seen my name in a book.
          whyyyyyy. why cant i jst have a common name!??!
          on the topic of uncommon names. i am looking for some pretty ones. 
          if uv got a uniq/pretty name id love to hear it.


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
yal and here i was thinking 40 was the oldest id ever find a guy was hot.
          that sentance is confusing but im not correcting it.
          i started waching once upon a time with my mom and og my god why is rumplestilskin so hot?
          i googled it and today hes 63 yrs old. 
          obv i dont find him NOW hot but him then when the show firt started he was hot.
          but like. now when someone asks me how old my oldest celebrity crush is i have to explain hes 63 without seeming like i am the type to fuck old guys


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
so i decided to do the thing anyways. uh, here it is.
          this is the spoiler/tearer for the sequal to tgwlia. ya ik its not finished yet, got over it im egar.
          “Capella! Draco! Get down here you'll be late!”
          The two made their way down the stairs.
          “Technically, mum, only Elly will be late, seeing as she's the one who has to go this year.” 
          “that's alright, i'll just make you late next year.”
          “won't that just make you late for second year?”
          She went to retort but realized he was right. 
          Capella smiled and gave draco a hug before running off to find a train compartment.
          She looked around at the compartment she had found. One of the corners of the overhead storage was missing. It was a decent sized chunk and she wondered what could have made it. Her thoughts were interrupted when the train started moving. 
          After a few moments She pondered going out and exploring when suddenly there was a thud outside her compartment. A few seconds later the entire hallway outside was filled with purple smoke.
          She slowly reached out and locked the compartment door.
          “Maybe I'll just read instead.”
          "no, please. dont take draco. i- ill join, just dont make draco. please."
          "a-avada kedavra." she frowned. "that was actually suprisingly easy. why is it THAT easy? cus like it should be harder!"
          "els. just. just stop. you just killed someone and thats your first thougt?"
          "yeh?" :)
          the girl in front of her let out a bloodcurtling scream.
          "boo hoo. get up." she scoffed.
          "draco, you may not understand this because you dont have morew than two brain cells, but-"
          "when did you turn out to be such a bitch?"
          "probably the same time you turned out to be such a ungratful twat."
          "oh fuck you."
          "yes im sure you think about fucking me a lot, unfortuantly for you, your not my type."
          "your such bitch, you know."
          "aww, thanks."