
working on shifting reading lists etc from this account to my new one. will be logging in & out for a bit but will then be permanently over there and not logging in on this acc. follow @piracyandpumpturns- if u feel like it


Hey, I'm a new follower :)
          My name is Isabella, but you can call me Isa, Bella, or Bo
          Isa and Bella are two nicknames from my birth name, and Bo is another option :3
          I'm 14 years old, Nonbinary (female is my birth gender), Pansexual, and in a romantic relationship
          It's nice to meet you, and if you want, you can tell me a bit about yourself ^w^


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I miss youuuuuu


@Rhian_The_Trans_Snek ahhh hiiii <33333333333 i miss every one of youuuuu (lmao im not supposed to be here ive been checking it every few weeks lol, ilyyyy)


okay, guys
          ive finally finished moving all my stories to docs so i can keep working on them while im gone
          im gonna keep wattpad till, like the end of the school day today, ish. then ill be gone
          bye everybody. i love you so so so much and you honestly have no clue how amazing its been getting to know you and becoming your friend. the wattpad community has been so so so amazing in every way for me and my experience. some of you have literally saved my life, and all of you give me will to keep doing what i love every single day. ill miss you all more than i can say and i cant wait to get back on and catch up with you guys!!
          so, so much love,
          -cameron <3


@Hestadil713 aw omg TYYYYY <333333 (i come on here like once a month ish cause im a naughty bitch hehehe)


@inked-fables You probably won't see this because I'm so super late, but I just wanted to say that I'll miss you so much! You're such a talented writer and your books make me go INSANE (in a good way lol).


mesaj potențial jignitor
          thats not to say ill be on
          my mom said i can keep my acc but have to not use it
          so ill be leaving some of my stories up but not others cause i was already wanting to edit my profile
          yay :)


mesaj potențial jignitor
fuck, guys
          so, at the very least, im going to have to delete the wattpad app from my phone. if this is the case, i wont be active, but my acc will still be here, u can still read my stories, but i wont respond to or see anything
          the other option is that my mom makes me completely close my account. 
          i really, really hope this isnt the case, but i dont know
          im letting you know ahead of time so that i dont just ✨disappear✨on you. 
          i love you all. i love you so so so so so fucking much. youve done so much for me and you dont even know it. i hope you all have wonderful lives till i can return (which wont be for a really long time, unfortunately) and please stay safe <3
          ill be here for, like, a bit more of today, but thats it
          *i love you *