
Oh my goodness just seen that The Idol is currently sitting at #1 in fanfiction - absolutely crazy! I hope it’s been as enjoyable to read as it was to write - and hopefully lots of new readers can now enjoy it too! Thank you to everyone who is helping to boost it up the rankings - genuinely made me a bit emotional! 


Hey love
          this is my friend's book check this out!! Also please support her, follow her acc and please vote the chapter's bcz half of the reader's are not voting the chapter or commenting please don't do that it will make the author discourage so please vote them make them encourage not only for this authork for all authors......♡♡


Oh my goodness just seen that The Idol is currently sitting at #1 in fanfiction - absolutely crazy! I hope it’s been as enjoyable to read as it was to write - and hopefully lots of new readers can now enjoy it too! Thank you to everyone who is helping to boost it up the rankings - genuinely made me a bit emotional!