
New stories - check them out!


Hello, my followers! I have decided to begin writing again. This story that I am working on is one that I'd like to publish, so the posts will be less often, and I need you guys to be painfully honest. It is called The Hunters, and you'll see the first part up soon!


Hey followers! I know it's been forever since I posted, and I am just as upset about it as you guys are. I've had the busiest schedule, and am struggling to find time to sleep, let alone write! But I am proud to say the reign of writingless Sarah is over! I will be posting part of Whatever You Do tonight, and I will get to Out of Order as soon as I can.
          Sorry again!
          Sarah xx


Hey guys! So it's 1 AM and I've been doing bunch of song writing (really just messing around, hoping to get something I can use for my stories) But I will be posting today I guess. I will be working out too, but yes.
          It will be the last part of book one! So excited! 
          Off to bed now. Night!