
// responses are semi-active on here just from things but I will try to get to them + might try to revamp my Gregory anon which I think used to be on here. might've been a different one though. The fnaf movie teaser trailer has me really back in a fnaf muse


Well  when  you  said  you  were  fast  I  was  thinking  you  know  okay  you  could  maybe  run  a  mile  or  two  but . . .  I  see  now  I  was  wrong.  How  does  that  even  happen  by  the  way ?  


@thaIassas ))
            The speed? well it’s kind of natural for me now since I’ve been born with it compared to how it originated. My grandpa got struck by lightning during a storm as well as a machine that broke which resulted in him getting speed, uh it can get a tad more complicated than that when it comes to me but I don’t think you want to learn how time travel works? 


// responses are semi-active on here just from things but I will try to get to them + might try to revamp my Gregory anon which I think used to be on here. might've been a different one though. The fnaf movie teaser trailer has me really back in a fnaf muse


...    bart ? hey man , what are you doing here ? are you alright  ? 


            He breathed inwards, his hair bounced softly as he tried to calm down. the hands no longer vibrating but he was on edge still as his golden hues shined like honey combs kept flicking back and forth from Tim. “ thank you. I might’ve done another impulse thing by accident, and tried to go back to my timeline because I just missed my mom , I know I probably shouldn’t since how bad that era is. the coming back is what went poorly and now the flash is sort of out of commission due to injuries for a bit. They shouldn’t take long to heal from but they’re all definitely mad at me.”


            ...        the male was silent for a moment,  not knowing what to do in this situation  . he's never seen bart like this before . "   uh -- yeah . you can stay here with me  .  if I may ask though , what did you  do that was so wrong  ? " he questioned carefully and softly  . 


            “I did something wrong, really stupid. “ he moved his head to look up at him, the speedster felt his hands vibrate quickly to where it was hard to see. “ would I be able to stay with you , tim?- i don’t think the others are exactly happy with me.”


having  a  legal  name  implies  the  existence  of  a  better,  sexier  illegal  name.


            Well technically i’m just Bart, uh legally named after my grandfather but also that’s in the future so i don’t know if i have legal paperwork stuff, besides my hero names.  You probably do have a really cool name


absolutely.  something  cooler  than  jason,  probably.  what  about  you?


            ohh , sweet also would you have an illegal name if your considered legally dead?


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the  guy  who  designed  scythes  definitely  knew  that  shit  was  badass. he  didn’t  care  about  wheat.


            it’s pretty cool, definitely funny watching dummies hit each other.  That would be awesome, look like the grim reaper with batman’s cape and scare em


god,  that's  so  cool.  and  maybe  i  would.  imagine  if  i  wore  batman's  cape  while  using  a  scythe  —  / hilarious /.


            you should do it during halloween, and mm sorta i’ve used them ? i’ve also manipulated shooters to shoot each other instead of me so i don’t think that one count though.