
My lovelies, first chapter of the fourth book and I'm already pouring my crazy ideas into it... Ahh, I'm so excited!


@junebluesfever — you're so sweet! ❤️


I will be waiting patiently to read ur amazing writing 


My lovelies, first chapter of the fourth book and I'm already pouring my crazy ideas into it... Ahh, I'm so excited!


@junebluesfever — you're so sweet! ❤️


I will be waiting patiently to read ur amazing writing 


And after ten days, I finished the third of seven books in the Unknown series! Everything has been organised into chapters, and now I'm on to the fourth book!
          It's been so long since I read anything of this book that I'm looking forward to remembering what I've written, but I'm not at all excited about the changes I'm going to have to make... Oh dear, here I come!
          (Only four books to go! We're so much closer to release day!)


@junebluesfever — mine too! It's where all really starts and ahhh, I'm sooo anxious for you guys to read my version!


@MoonsBystars — I know, right? It sure is my record! Last time, I wrote the third book in fifteen days, now it was in ten! I'm committed to publishing Unknown soon!
            It was magical writing this book, especially because it's where I decided to start changing the relationship between my characters, and you know, overall, it is amazing!
            My favourite book from the original saga is Prisoner of Azkaban, for sure, but of the ones I wrote, oddly enough, it's Chamber of Secrets. I made so many cool changes that my least favourite of the originals became my favourite in my version! Of course, I haven't written the last four books yet and my opinion may change (I'm sure the fifth book will become my favourite once I've written it).
            Love, my life is so peaceful, can you believe it? I've never been better, I'm managing everything and I'm so happy! But in all honesty, I'm very tired, I can't wait for my break to arrive on the 30th (I'm going to sleep as much as I can haha).
            What about you, love, how are you?
            Love you very much too, love! ❤️


The 3rd book was always my favorite in the HP series since that is where things started rolling. I can't wait to read what u have planned


You have no idea how difficult it is to write a book when you have ADHD. I always, ALWAYS add something new and important and then forget to mention it in, like, five chapters! I apologise for that, and ask that when you're reading "Unknown", you cut me some slack about forgetting certain things for a couple of chapters haha. I tried to remember everything, but you know, my brain doesn't co-operate!


@iheedtonorules — girl, don't get me started! It's hell, one day you're all pumped up and write five chapters, the next you go five months without writing anything!


@imoonlighthp and having writers block too?? like omg


I'm loving how I've stopped idealising Tori and am giving her real feelings, even if it makes her look ugly at times. She's human, she feels too, and I'm here to see her bring everything around her down when she's angry!


@MoonsBystars — Yes, I soo loving writing her in this version, she is so real for many of her reactions! You will love read her this time!


@imoonlighthp AH! I LOVE TO SEE THAT! Sometimes, we forget characters are humans, and they are bound to male mistakes, too. To me, whenever we write characters, they feel like extensions of ourselves, sometimes even the perfect versions of us, too. But we have to forget that they are their own people, too. They thoughts, opinion, morals/values, likes, dislikes, and other things that affect them and make them who they are. And whenever we see them at their lowest, we want to see their growth, their time to shine in times when they need to be. We want everything for them and not see any harm for them but it has to be done so they can grow as people! And I'm so excited to see an angry Tori! If I remember correctly, Tori was a sweet girl in the books. She did have her moments of anger, like what she did with her aunt in the prisoner of Azkaban (I can't believe I still remember that lol) but it would be so fun to see her blow her top off for once and get angry at everything that's been happening to her (within reasoning). So I'm excited to see what is in store for our sweet, kindhearted Tori! 


Blaise Zabini, there's a character with a lot of future in my hands... How about giving him a spotlight, huh? The time for writing the third book has arrived, my loves, and I'm loving writing it!


@MoonsBystars — I felt that way too, like, he only appeared for real on sixth book and not for long... I felt he such a missed potential... So I'm giving it to him!


@imoonlighthp Ahhh! Blaise Zabini had such a miss opportunity in the cannon books and to know you have future plans for him warms my heart!! Ah! And the fact that you're starting the third book has me jumping up and down! I can't wait to reread the Prisoner of Azkaban version!! I just know it's going to be amazing as usual! And how are you, love? Have you started summer vacation or do you still have to go to school? 


Will you still love me if I tell you that I changed the name of the magic school here in Brazil? Because, really, Castelobruxo is the most generic name J.K. could have come up with, seriously, couldn't she have done a bit of research and come up with a name that did justice to the location of the school? Well, I did my research, and as a Brazilian, I think I'm free to change the name of it, at least in my book... Anyway, I've already changed, and I'm not going back.


And today I've come to tell you that I've revised the second book in the Unknown Saga for the last time!
          And I have to add that, as much as this was the book that gave me the most trouble to write, because the original story was boring (to me at least), I have to say that it was the book I was most proud of when I saw the final result. I added so many cool things, and the last chapter is definitely my favourite so far!
          I can't wait for you to read it!


"Unknown" is so Taylor Swift coded, is not even funny anymore...
          I love it!


@MoonsBystars Oh, there is, many of them haha


@imoonlighthp I wouldn't be surprised if there were any Taylor Swift references in Unknown if it's so coded lol 


I am thinking of giving a redemption arc to Draco Malfoy, starting from the second year but progressing very, very slowly, with him going back and forth with internal crises about himself. What do you think? Do you think it's worth it?


But when he became a Death Eater, we can see his view change slightly, but he didn't have the spine to do so. Obviously, leaving the Death Eaters won't be that easy since I'm pretty sure the Dark Lord will kill him without hesitation for leaving but it would also put his parents in jeopardy. It isn't until the end of the Battle of Hogwarts did he had a change of heart. Ironically, it was too late but it was still something. I think it would be a great opportunity for Draco Malfoy to have a change of heart. Especially since it fits into the mold of a child breaking from their parent's beliefs. It would give a great ending to his characterization. 


@imoonlighthp At a young age, Malfoy was told that the dark lord was the greatest wizard to ever come across their time and how his blood purity views are worth more than anything in the world. As a child, who is constantly hearing this at his home, and hanging out with children from former death Eaters, it would be natural for him to think this is the right viewpoint and everything else be damned, and not to mention his parents would solidify his viewpoint. Obviously, his worldview is something we all detest! However, we can't really blame him for growing up with such believes he has been told time and time again. However, that's not something we can forgive him. He did and say unspeakable things to people before the Half Blood Prince. 


@imoonlighthp Oh definitely, it will be worth it! It would complete a circle of his character! Finding out what he thought he was getting into was something he didn't know was dangerous and wanted out of it. Malfoy's character is pretty complex. He never started questioning his true intents and where he lies until we see his immense confliction in the Half Blood Prince. I think it will be interesting to see Draco start questioning things so young because as a child, we are told to believe things from our parents and trusted adults until we start making opinions and beliefs for ourselves. It would be awesome to see him question what was right and wrong from everything he thought were once the word of law, if that makes sense. Plus, it'll give us more sympathy for him later on in the book (like in Half Blood Prince) and want to genuinely see him escape a very toxic home he was in. And when I mean toxic, I mean the immense controlling viewpoints the Malfoys installed in Draco. 


So, I have an honest question to ask you: Do you prefer to read a chapter of +/- 26,000 words or one of 15,000 words and another of 11,000 words?
          Please, answer me!


@junebluesfever and @MoonsBystars — Thank you, loves! You helped me a lot!


@imoonlighthp I would say the second option as well. Obviously, you don't want to cut the story mid way through the chapter because it throws off the build-up of the chapter, but you also don't want to stretch the chapter out so much that it feels like it's filler, when that is the furthest from the case. Cutting the chapter in half if the particular chapter will be more manageable for the readers to be able to read and enjoy it without accidentally skipping a page or a paragraph that could be essential to the plot. Plus it'll be easier for you, as the author to read and edit it. 


In my opinion the second option