

          “My little angel” is so amazing!!! I loved every minute of reading it, you are a very talented and creative author! Thank you so much for writing such a masterpiece that brought on so many wonderful emotions for me. I really never wanted it to end, that how much I loved it! Is there a sequel? If so where can I read it lol. Anyways, I’m so excited to read some more of your works, just wanted to let you know I appreciate you sharing them on this site, cause they bring me great joy! Please don’t ever stop writing your amazing!!!


@Luckyrogue hello and thank you for the kindest words. I appreciate them the most. There is sequel, I'll post it soon :)
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Hiya! Just wanted to quickly post saying I love your stories! Just finished ‘the passion and the opera’. It was awesome! 


@weezapallot hello and thank you very much for your words! ❤ :) I'm glad, you enjoyed the book :)
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