
Alright so I just started a new chapter and it's hopefully gonna be super cute and won't take me forever. Also I saw Frank in concert yesterday so I'll upload pics because it was amazing :')


I got a notification that someone updated and I thought it was you so I got so excited and then I realised it wasn't you and now I'm really bummed. 


@ieroliner, dude I squealed but it's absolutely fine that you have other stuff going on. 


@Brendontops99 I'm sorry :( I started a chapter around New Years and all the reading and writing I've been doing since is for school. I'm an English major so it's a lot. I'm gonna keep trying though.


I would just like to say that you're awesome!! You were actually the first person I ever followed on Wattpad and I love Polar so much!! Please update soon, I know you have a really hectic life but just update whenever you get the chance!! 


YYYYYAAAAASSSS!!! Dude it's like 2 am I'm exhausted and hungry and u actually just made me smile ty!! I'm so excited it's inhuman hahaha


@Brendontops99 aww thank you so much! I've been working on the next chapter, I'm just trying to decide how I want the chapter to end. I'll update as soon as I've proofread!


I never posted when Polar hit 1.5k reads and now it's at 1.7k--I know it's not a ton compared to popular works, but I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who's reading, commenting, and/or voting. I didn't really think this story was going to go anywhere but it has a little bit of a following. Thanks everyone!