
ok help i havent checked this acc in forever bc i thought nobody was reading but OMG?? THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT THIS IS UNREAL I LOVE ALL OF YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH


when are you going to release the next book


@rotidabba hello! I want to plan out my next book carefully, so there are no blank spaces, so it might take a while. I have already started planning and writing it, but it won't come out until i am done writing and editing completely. Thank you so much for reading and following!


hello! Thank you so much for 600 reads! That is actually insane.. when I started writing this book, I didn't expect this. I expected to struggle with views for months before my story could hit a hundred, but I ended up hitting a hundred in the first week! I'm so grateful for everyone who reads this book. It makes me so happy to see the views go up, even just by one. 600 views! Over halfway to 1k! <3 Thank you for reading my lovesss


Hello there! I just found your book and I enjoy reading it. Do you have instagram or facebook? I would love to follow your social media if you don't mind, thanks!


@nanana_na13 Aw, thank you so much! That really means a lot to me. Unfortunately, I am a private writer and I don't wish for my identity to be known. But in the future, if more people want me to create social media's (while keeping my identity hidden of course) I definitely will. Thank you!<3