
I decided not to post my recent work because it got EXTREMELY personal as I began to wrap it up. However, I'll be starting a collection of poems/poetry soon if you guys are into that. :) 


Hello. It's me. I'm back, and I was wondering if you'd like to read some of my new works, that'd I'm beginning to write. (Yes, that was a reference to Adele's new song- "Hello.") I'd like to personally apologize for a (3 year) Hiatus. I know that's an extremely long time, but I've matured so much in the 3 years I was gone, and my writing has improved so much. So much has happened to me, and it's going to be shown in one of my recent works I'm finishing up so I can post. Look out for it guys! If any of you still follow me lol.) :) 
          -Much love,


I need to tell you guys something..
          Im going on HIATUS. I just, I don't have the inspiration to write anymore, maybe it'll come back. Im planing to start writing again soon. Trust me. I love all of you guys who've stayed with me. TLP - Ill start writing it soon. And as for sour patch kids and Harry styles? I'm trashing it, it's the worst thing in the world. I've lost my inspiration to read too. So if you guys want to talk to me, talk to me on twitter or inbox me here. @1Dismylovexo. Ily all so much. Ill be back soon guys. Don't miss me too much <3
          See you soon muffin cakes <3 


Hello guys :) I don't have time to write The Letter Project and Im on a slight writer's block. I've been busy busy busy, and I have testing next week. My birthday was April 12 though and I was on, and I'm super sorry I'm not updating like I usually did.. I'm just not feeling it, maybe it'll come back right? I love all of you xx