
10th board is so hard bitches be asking out of syllabus question I've  got a science exam tomorrow and I haven't even started studying watch me getting a F lol ╥﹏╥


@BtsxSidneet_507 don't worry girl good luck and I hope you get good marks in your Next exam


@iCateYoongles makko to uthna bhi nhi aata ughhh jo phale test me pdha tha vhi vata h....aur m subha ko dekhu gi :-|


@BtsxSidneet_507 lmao same I only knew 10 questions from each section uske baad sab bhagwan bharose h (´ω`)


10th board is so hard bitches be asking out of syllabus question I've  got a science exam tomorrow and I haven't even started studying watch me getting a F lol ╥﹏╥


@BtsxSidneet_507 don't worry girl good luck and I hope you get good marks in your Next exam


@iCateYoongles makko to uthna bhi nhi aata ughhh jo phale test me pdha tha vhi vata h....aur m subha ko dekhu gi :-|


@BtsxSidneet_507 lmao same I only knew 10 questions from each section uske baad sab bhagwan bharose h (´ω`)


I had just recently adopted the Policy of keeping my friend circle small as more friends means more hassle but somehow I end up making more friends even though I'm not a bubbly person what should I do? (O_O)


@BiscusBiscusHibiscus I tried to force her to tell me and she first Said that she got it From one of our mutual friend and the thing is I have only given my number to my best friend after asking for a long time she said that she took my number From the school group she literally went through the trouble of finding my number from 200+ people this bitches really don't understand the meaning of privacy¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@Starmy1511 oooh i understand. but hey you should actually ask her where she got your socials from it's not safe to know that people get your information from somebody not you. and maybe cut yourself away from slowly like, reply to her kinda late, tell her you've been kinda busy lately. idk that could possibly give her the idea that you're not that free to talk and would reduce talking you, herself :)


Just saw a comment saying they Unstanned BTS just because they have changed their genre and Only make english songs they don't make Korean songs anymore like bitch it's only been 3 songs and bts has released more than 30 album I bet you haven't even heard half of it like I also prefer their Korean songs more than the English ones but how can you call yourself an army if you can't respect their decisions and will bash them whenever you want under the disguise of "army"


this message may be offensive
@BiscusBiscusHibiscus that's what keeping from beating the shit out of them( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)


@Starmy1511 let's just be happy that the fandom is going through a well required filtering 


I know no one's gonna reply but still I wanted to ask you people if you ever feel lonely even when you are with your bestfriend? 


@sonu24012003 i may not know you personally but if you ever want to vent or talk about something feel free to message me


@sonu24012003 tbh when I was in middle school I was kinda popular and used to be very social back then I thought everyone used to like me but one day I heard them backbitching about me after I got transferred to another rich private school I was scared to talk to others as they used to make me feel insecure even my new bestfriend  is rich and beautiful (which I'm not )so sometimes I feel lonely as she couldn't understand my struggle people always ignore me as I ain't popular,good looking or rich as my bestfriend and now I have gotten so insecure and became a introvert that I can't even talk to teacher or any other students cuz i feel like they all judge me 


❣︎Hey there<3 You know, every once in a while someone amazing comes into your life. And here I am... you're welcome (◡ ω ◡)
          ❥︎☽︎*Clears throat* ok so if you're the only version of yourself, doesn't that make you  and limited edition?◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
          ❥︎☽︎Start by starting. Yeah, now read that again and start with whatever you gotta do◉‿◉
          ❥︎☽︎Life isn't a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you're drunk O-O
          ❥︎☽︎If they treat you like an option, leave them like a choice╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
          ❥︎☽︎Life's short. Smile while you still have teethʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
          ❥︎☽︎Speak what you feel and never be sorry for being right.
          ☾︎❣︎That's it for the day! Hope you're doing well, if not, remember that it's just a bad chapter, not your whole story. I'm here if you wanna talk or vent^^ keep safe, take care, lots of love❣︎☽︎


wait omg why don't i ever get coins even tho i pretty much watch all of the ads-


@Thyrdds yee i'm a czen too and nope i don't use insta so ye:/


@BiscusBiscusHibiscus i am a multistan and i think you are a nctzen too have you followed taeil on insta yet  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@Thyrdds oh heyyy fellow ahgaseeee wait- O_o


Thank you so much dear for adding my book "Coming to you" in your reading list...really means a lot...❤


@Thyrdds surely.. thanks...will notify after its completion....❤


@Aarya_25 no worries girl eagerly waiting for it get completed so I can start reading :-)


this message may be offensive
*sneaks into your mb* Psstt, hai there another beautiful creation of God! I'm here to hand you something, guess what?
          ☾︎❣︎Masterpieces aren't finished in a day so don't expect yourself to grow that fas ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
          ❣︎☽︎Arguing with stupid people is like trying to kill a mosquito on your cheek. You might or might not kill it but you'll end up slapping yourself for sure (ಠ_ಠ)
          ☾︎❣︎Don't feel bad if someone rejects you. People usually reject expensive things and go for the cheap ones¯\_༼ᴼل͜ᴼ༽_/¯
          ❣︎☽︎ No matter how big a hammer you use, you can't pound common sense into stupid people
          ( • ‿ • )
          ☾︎❣︎Shortest horror story? Monday, duh.
          ❣︎☽︎Hey there, I'm not crazy. I'm just special yk?...no wait maybe I'm crazy. One second I need to talk to myself about this. Hold up...O_O
          Still couldn't guess what it is? It's a S M I L E. I gotta go now, hope you're doing well. I'm always here if you want to talk or if you're down! Baii baii, take care~


@_Noe_moon you really know how to make someone smile I hope you are good too:-)


Look who's back with her annoying dose of positivity? Me, duh. Now that alone should make you smile but since I'm extremely kind, I'll give you some more reasons to✺◟( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)◞✺
          ❥︎☽︎ Ctrl+Alt+Del : Control yourself, alter your thoughts and delete negativity ( ͡■ ͜ ʖ ͡■)
          ❥︎☽︎ Smile is like a windshield wiper. It doesn't stop the rain but it allows us to keep going*・(^O^)↝
          ❥︎☽︎ #Diet rule 1: If nobody sees you eating it, it doesn't contain calories ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
          ❥︎☽︎Life tip: Never ask Google for medical advice. I've gone from mild headache to clinically dead in three clicks(-_-メ)
          ❥︎☽︎I finally figured out what's wrong with my brain. On the left side, there's nothing right and on the right, there's nothing left- ⊙﹏⊙
          Sksksk- you smiling yet? Please do, or Imma have to come over to your place. Again! 
          *Whispers*  If you smiled then um... I'm craving for a cookie rn mind giving me one? *Puppy eyes*


*emojis are not shown maybe something is wrong with my phone 


@_Noe_moon thank again for dropping by with your positivity and yeah here's your cookie 


          ✿A smile is a sign of joy, a hug is a sign of love, a laugh is a sign of happiness and a friend like me...well... that's a sign of good taste
          ✺◟( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)◞✺
          ✿If you're lonely, dim all the lights snd put on a horror movie. After a while, you won't feel lonely anymoreヘ(。□°)ヘ
          ✿If they say don't try this at home, try it at your friend's house, duh¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯
          ✿Breaking news: Common sense is now an endangered species. Stupidity has taken over the world and unfortunately, there's no known cure •́  ‿ ,•̀
          ✿Relatable or not?: Do you hate it when you plan a whole conversation in your head but the other person doesn't follow the damn script?ಠ_ʖಠ
          ✿Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep (˘⌣˘ )
          Have you smiled yet or should I come over to tickle you again? Come on now, stretch your lips and smile already! *Whispers* don't you think I deserve a cuppa coffee for my efforts?