
this message may be offensive
Hi guys!
          	I just wanted to let you all know Iā€™m probably gonna be posting late this week, I caught cooties (covid) and I canā€™t stay awake long enough to finish the chapter. Iā€™m mostly fine, just extremely tired and achy. Time has been a blur because Iā€™ve just been sleeping, I didnā€™t even realize tomorrow is Sunday until like 4 hours ago lmao. Iā€™ve been trying to write but I donā€™t wanna force it and make it come out crappy because this next chapter leads into some good ones, I want to make it as good as I possibly can but I have like no brain power right now. Other than being tired and achy, all I really have is a cough and I lost my sense of smell and Iā€™m INSANELY HOT to the point it feels like my skin is melting but otherwise Iā€™m good. Iā€™ll post when I can, and hopefully by next week I should be better! I hope at least lol because my birthday is Wednesday and it would suck balls to not only be quarantined by myself but to still feel like shit on my birthday haha
          	Hope youā€™re all good, stay safe out there because pretty much every single person I know has covid right now.
          	Also, I must add, losing your sense of smell is legitimately the weirdest fucking symptom ever. I cannot smell anything at all. Not even strong ass perfume, not Lysol, not candles, not soap, not foodā€¦ n o t h i n g at all. Not even a little bit. I was laughing my ass off when I first realized it because I sprayed perfume and spent a half hour sniffing my arm trying to smell it and itā€™s just not there. Couldnā€™t believe it, because I didnā€™t think it would go away completely to the point that even strong scents are just nonexistent. Weird as fuck.
          	I can still taste, though! Itā€™s dulled a little bit, likely because I have no sense of smell, but I can taste and thatā€™s all that matters.


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Hi guys!
          I just wanted to let you all know Iā€™m probably gonna be posting late this week, I caught cooties (covid) and I canā€™t stay awake long enough to finish the chapter. Iā€™m mostly fine, just extremely tired and achy. Time has been a blur because Iā€™ve just been sleeping, I didnā€™t even realize tomorrow is Sunday until like 4 hours ago lmao. Iā€™ve been trying to write but I donā€™t wanna force it and make it come out crappy because this next chapter leads into some good ones, I want to make it as good as I possibly can but I have like no brain power right now. Other than being tired and achy, all I really have is a cough and I lost my sense of smell and Iā€™m INSANELY HOT to the point it feels like my skin is melting but otherwise Iā€™m good. Iā€™ll post when I can, and hopefully by next week I should be better! I hope at least lol because my birthday is Wednesday and it would suck balls to not only be quarantined by myself but to still feel like shit on my birthday haha
          Hope youā€™re all good, stay safe out there because pretty much every single person I know has covid right now.
          Also, I must add, losing your sense of smell is legitimately the weirdest fucking symptom ever. I cannot smell anything at all. Not even strong ass perfume, not Lysol, not candles, not soap, not foodā€¦ n o t h i n g at all. Not even a little bit. I was laughing my ass off when I first realized it because I sprayed perfume and spent a half hour sniffing my arm trying to smell it and itā€™s just not there. Couldnā€™t believe it, because I didnā€™t think it would go away completely to the point that even strong scents are just nonexistent. Weird as fuck.
          I can still taste, though! Itā€™s dulled a little bit, likely because I have no sense of smell, but I can taste and thatā€™s all that matters.


          I took a BIG break kinda totally unplanned and Iā€™m sorry for just vanishing into thin air without saying much. That was veryā€¦ not cool of me. I honestly just felt embarrassed to sit here and make false promises or come up with excuses for why Iā€™ve been absent, or why thereā€™s another late update or whatever. I also just didnā€™t wanna post garbage I wasnā€™t happy with.
          Iā€™m going to get back into the swing of things, I really need to sit down and focus. Iā€™ve just had a bunch of things going on, but Iā€™m not going to sit here and draw my explanation out with a bunch of garble, Iā€™m just going to be honest. Iā€™m tired and burnt out. From everything, just life in general, and unfortunately my writing took the biggest hit. Iā€™m really sorry about that, it truthfully wasnā€™t intentional. Iā€™ve sat down to write a hundred times and could only get like 3 words written before Iā€™d give up bc Iā€™m so distracted. 
          Iā€™m going to take some time (I know, more timeā€¦ sorry) to gather my thoughts, piece them together, and get started again. Sorry for the unexpected intermission.
          I WILL be back! (Not this Sunday, but soon)
          Thank you for everything, and thanks to the people whoā€™ve reached out to check in on me. Iā€™m here! Just kind of ashamed of myself lowkey lol


@hydratedharries Just chiming in here to say that you should never feel ashamed for needing time for yourself 


Hello friends ā¤ļø
          Iā€™ve been living off allergy medication all week, the trees are hurting me. Iā€™ve been ridiculously tired and couldnā€™t stay awake most of the week so I fell behind on writing lol. No update tomorrow, but I promise Iā€™ll be back! I just need a short break, sorry! 


Hope youā€™re ok


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Hiiiiiiiii ā¤ļø
          Tomorrowā€™s update will be late (again, sorry) because I re-read what I had and itā€™s āœØhot garbageāœØ so Iā€™m re-writing it because absolutely no piece of me wants to post shitty chapters. Especially this next chapter, I want it to be  and  and  and  in all the right ways. Like I said before, Iā€™m struggling to get my mind in the writing headspace, but I really donā€™t want that to show through in my work. I want to post something I feel is worth reading, and what I had was just... not good enough. Sorry, but also simultaneously youā€™re welcome because I have no intention of wasting your time by posting a steaming pile of shit for an update lol
          Part of me is thinking of taking a week off to catch up? Iā€™m not sure yet, but I want to make this good. I will try my best! Now Iā€™m off to write some fluffy cutesy yumminess, goodnight!


Hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Just wanted to give a quick update and let everyone know there wonā€™t be an update first thing Sunday morning, Iā€™ve been caught up in some other things and trying to finish writing the draft has been going not-so-great. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably already know why.
          Basically to put it short I physically can not stop crying because my bird is sick and I canā€™t stop thinking about it
          Sounds dramatic but like
          I am dramatic
          Iā€™ll post the update as soon as itā€™s ready, and Iā€™m sorry for being late. Iā€™m just... mentally not doing great and Iā€™ve honestly been valuing my time with him more than writing, for obvious reasons. I try to prioritize this but sometimes it just doesnā€™t work, and I definitely, definitely feel like my mental health in general has taken a huge toll on my writing overall for the past several months and itā€™s frustrating. Even when I want to, my brain canā€™t. This sounds like a huge excuse lmao but itā€™s the truth. I want to write, I promise, just sometimes life gets in the way.
          Sorry again, I hope to get the update up by Sunday evening/Monday morning. Iā€™m like a quarter of the way done but I just had an hour long mental breakdown so weā€™ll see how the rest goes.
          Thereā€™s a reason Aubry loved parrots. Because I love parrots. I love my parrots, theyā€™re widdle and cute and special and mine 


iā€™m so sorry, i am an animal lover myself i understand how you feel. you are such an amazing bird parent and i love your bird content on twitter  just so you know you can take as much break as you need, i am still here waiting for you ā¤ļø sending love 


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Hi, guys! So Iā€™ve been having some SERIOUS internet connection issues at my house for the last week. I canā€™t load anything, which means I havenā€™t been able to get online to reach my files, which means I canā€™t get to any of my drafts. My computer is basically a paperweight rn, idk whatā€™s going on with my shit ass wifi situation and no one can figure out whatā€™s wrong, but basically what Iā€™m trying to say is I havenā€™t been able to write all week. Everything I have is stored online and I canā€™t get to it other than the tiny excerpts I have saved to my phone. (Iā€™ve learned my lesson now, SAVE THINGS TO YOUR HARD DRIVE FOLKS)
          So... that was the long-winded version of this very short message: there very likely wonā€™t be an update on Sunday. However, I promise to have it out as soon as I possibly can. I wonā€™t even wait until the following Sunday, whenever my internet connection is back Iā€™ll work as quickly as I can to get an update out. Sorry! Iā€™ll take any complaints and forward them directly to Comcast Xfinity.
          Not gonna lie, Iā€™ve been so bored too. Iā€™m annoyed. I hate it here.


Iā€™m sorry, this feels a little embarrassing but Iā€™ve been searching and searching for a book I loved, I think it was called ā€œMineā€. It was about a girl who lives in her familyā€™s vacation house for the summer. Her bothers best friend it Harry Styles so she sees him a lot but they donā€™t like each o there. She has a boyfriend who that summer begins to abuse her but her and Harry begin to fall in love and he halls her out of the situation. During the story they do a bunch of romantic things and he ends up taking her virginity. That was a brief summary or the story Iā€™m looking for and I think the girls name was Brook. If you are the author and have taken it down or know where I can find it, please let me know. Thank you, sorry for the bother. 


Hi! Yes thatā€™s me, Iā€™m the author of that book. I wrote it a long time ago and I ultimately decided to take it down because there were some bits and pieces of the story that I, now that Iā€™m older, donā€™t particularly agree with and didnā€™t feel comfortable having on my profile. I wrote that story when I was about 15, and I felt my age and naivety showed through in the writing. Also I never finished and it felt weird having an incomplete story posted. Sorry for the disappointment, but I appreciate the support anyway :) 


Sorry that was a really bad explanation. There is one scene where they eat takeout in a tent outside and another scene where they go swimming in a small pond in the forest. And anything thing I remember is at the beginning of the book he specifically asks for watermelon taffy. Idk if that helps.  


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My new book titled, ā€œLemonade,ā€ will be premiering tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. EST. Keep your eyes peeled, ya girl is back on her bullshit again 




omg im so excited!!!!