
Hey all my amazing followers, 
          	I have been writting more on my books just not updating them yet, sorry for that. I am also taking a bit of a break from whattpad and publishing books from some things I have heard and that. I'm so sorry and it might take a while before any books are updated or published, I have moved them all off the app and on to another to continue writing and just transfer them when I am done. Which is how I did most of my books to being with 


Hey all my amazing followers, 
          I have been writting more on my books just not updating them yet, sorry for that. I am also taking a bit of a break from whattpad and publishing books from some things I have heard and that. I'm so sorry and it might take a while before any books are updated or published, I have moved them all off the app and on to another to continue writing and just transfer them when I am done. Which is how I did most of my books to being with 


this message may be offensive
1- no keep writing your books, your writing does not suck
          3- it's completely up to you but i want to see more chapters to your books
          4- up to you
          5- do not delete your books, they're amazing please don't listen to the people who tell you they suck


Hey every follower. Thanks so much for following. I have a few things I want to say and I want your honest opinion please.  
          1- I have been told by a few people that my writing sucks and I should not be writing books, I wanted to know do you think this or do you think my books are great or I should keep them but edit them a bit. Note I will write a full book then go back to edit mistakes. 
          2- I've been writing and reading books after I finished my exams and that's why none of my books have been updated, also for the reason of 1^.
          3- I'm thinking of writing a few chapters to a book before publishing some. What do you think of this idea?
          4- should I make any of my books more than one? Or should I be having a series of books, take in note I will not be uploading any more books until I complete some that are already published 
          5- almost the same as 1 but do you think I should be deleting or u publishing any of my books. Some say no, it's a terrible idea but some say that I should, not saying who. 


Hey everyone, well I have exams coming up and I am not able to write as much as I would like, I have lots of stories that are not even on this app as on most of my stories I am writing on an app called pages then transferring them to whattpad, some I do the other way and some I just write wherever or for fun. Anyway I had to put some books on hold and things as I have exams and all so I need to spend most of my time studying for them. Once exams are over I should be writing more it depends on how I am really. Thanks for reading my books, hope you enjoy