
So I just saw Sonic 2 today with my mom. (She doesn’t care for Sonic, but she went with me to see it. I thought it was really good. And since seeing the post credit scene, I’m hyped for the next movie. 


          m i s e r y. 
          It’s 12:49AM here in Ohio and I can’t sleep bc my left knee hurts and I’ve tried to crack it but nothing is happening so now I’m being kept up by the pain. 
          Help me. Please. 


I was able to get some sleep (not a lot, but some) and the pain went away after a while, but if that happens again, I’ll definitely do this! Thanks!!


If you are able to, lay on top of you blankets on your bed and just try slow and careful yoga positions to stretch out your knee. DON’T PUSH YOUR KNEE CAP AROUND CAUSE THEN IT COULD SLIP which would obvi be bad. 


So I made the mistake of watching creepy videos before I went to bed and now I’m listening to the house move and creak and I’m like “is somebody in the house?” And I’m trying to convince myself that no, someone is not in the house it’s just the house settling bc it’s winter. 


@honeyswamp2017 This reminds me of the time I heard weird sounds coming from the kitchen in the middle of the night....