
/  OOC:  ngl im kinda sad that this app took away DMs ):


In night rain thunder on site Carmilila carmine indesteries building same place vaggie talk to carmine lute breaks door password device open door walk in*
          Lute walk around exploring places *
          Lute..sigh so this where vaggie got weapons huh* lean on wall waiting for carmine *


"..Camilla dear! So swell to make ya acquaintance once more..!"
          *Rosie grinned, her eyes creased. She was been strolling in hell for a while, her parasal out as she walked. She didn't think she was going to meet anyone on her little outing.*


@-Smiles-and-roses-  /
            ᩙ༉ㅤ ㅤ     ๛   “ Oh , it’s  nice  to  see  you  too , Rosie . My  apologies  for  the  last  meeting  we  had , it  was  quite . . . unprecedented , I  guess  one  could  say  and  there  won’t  be  any  drama  of  the  sort  next  time . ”