
If you wouldn't mind, please share my story with your friends! I'd love to gain some new readers :) Thank you!! xoxo h.j.


@hjmitchell I will. :) Stay strong and carry on. 


this message may be offensive
Ugh. It saddens me to know how much pain you are truly in. Pain that you don't deserve. Pain that never leaves. Pain that sticks with you no matter what you fucking do. You get up every morning doing the same boring, depressing shit and every single day you deal with the same people that's making your life a living hell. Bullies. Family. School. Everything in between. It's not what you deserve and it honestly shouldn't be what you get from others. It's sad, really. It's not right for people to make you feel the way you do. To make you hate yourself even more. To make you slip further and further into the blackness of your soul. To break  you more and more with every single move they make. It's like they are pinning you down, holding you hostage, making you feel worthless and helpless. It's not you, it's them that's making you feel this way. So I hope that you don't blame yourself for your feelings or think that it's your fault that you feel the way that you do bc honesty it's not and I think that we can all agree on that. It will get better. Eventually. Maybe not tomorrow or next week or even next month, but it will. Just believe in yourself and stay strong. You have to carry on bc from what I can tell in your amazingly written poetry book, you have a mother and little sister that needs you. Yes, at times family will make you feel like utter and complete shit to the point of feeling like they'd be better off without you, but that's what family does. They fight and argue and their mean fucks sometimes. But they need you. Your friends, I know that you at least have one, need you. Everyone needs you. Plz don't end up being a lost cause. Don't kys. Don't cut or harm yourself in any way, shape, or form. You have a beautiful body and a beautiful soul and that's literally all that matters. Your fucking gorgeous and cared for and loved by sooooo many. You only think that your alone bc that's what your mind tells you every single day, but it's not true. (I promise)


I should keep writing poetry. I just read the first one of Silent Escape and I was so deeply intrigued. Really, keep it up. You are amazing at writing poetry. You have that ability to capture that feeling, to make me see and understand exactly what u are experiencing. That's a very impressive thing. You have me by your finger npw, so keep going. Keep running. Keep writing.