
hello pineapples and other fruit variants I had my first day at school today whoop whoop! I hope everyone is doing alright and the back to school season is treating you well <3


well hello there homos and homies happy pride here is complimentary smiley faces to make up for the delay :) :0 <3 gender, romance and sexuality are forever fluid don't let society's expectations take away from the joys of your expression<3 so whether you go by several labels, one or none your experience will forever be valid and shall never be taken away from you. so be gay do crime  it's not like the law has historically been the greatest bringers of social justice but you my daring have the power to make change no matter how trivial it may seem because you never know who will listen or who will learn. little words matter and they will continue to do so <3 Happy pride. 


My progression and metamorphosis is enough reason for you to walk away. Existing out of desperation and fear of the unknown may eat at our insides but walk. Our feet may plant ever so stubbornly into the ground for walking away from our roots is walking away from a part of ourselves we thought was our everything and everything we knew. My reflection may never look like me, but I implore you to walk my dear our pasts will never leave us, but our future dwindles. Walk until your feet hurt and relax on a park bench and then walk again. But never walk back to the place we met. We can visit in our minds but as soon as we look back, we unravel, and the wounds will be as fresh as they day they were cut. We fell out of sync. We can fall back if the path of progression and life allows us to indulge in our youth. I'll smile when we meet, or I'll smile at the part of me that believes in another life we never had to choose between ourselves and the life we built together in our heads.


your life may not be controlled by you but the systems the society upholds but the power in numbers will get our voices told. your voice is a weapon and gift. fight for what is right, and life will be a bliss. so please don't feel the unnecessary guilt of saying your story. for your voice holds weight whether it be that of concrete or that of a feather none less important than the other.                                                                                                
          beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I find beauty in everything a writer says. beauty is the saving grace. beauty is when a life void of inherent meaning is now a life filled with hugs and the love of our friends being enough. 
          so, hello there beautiful people you are loved <3