
I never wanted to post this but I think it’s for the better of me. I’m leaving Wattpad. I’ll check in from time to time but during this leave, I’m unpublishing my books. I’m sorry to those who are waiting for updates but things have been tough. I will miss all of you guys and I hope to meet again sometime. I think I’ll do a daily check in if once a month. Who knows! Save my books while you can! I’ll be removing them on Friday, March 20. I love y’all ❤️


@otakupopluver  awww thank you so much. You’re so sweet, I hope that you will continue to grow on this app and I wish you good times ❤️


I never wanted to post this but I think it’s for the better of me. I’m leaving Wattpad. I’ll check in from time to time but during this leave, I’m unpublishing my books. I’m sorry to those who are waiting for updates but things have been tough. I will miss all of you guys and I hope to meet again sometime. I think I’ll do a daily check in if once a month. Who knows! Save my books while you can! I’ll be removing them on Friday, March 20. I love y’all ❤️


@otakupopluver  awww thank you so much. You’re so sweet, I hope that you will continue to grow on this app and I wish you good times ❤️


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Drawn to You got deleted?! WHAT THE FUCK? Ok seriously wattpad  that was  my first book and it magically got deleted? I’m so mad rn


It's back in my drafts! Thank you so much! I'll publish the chapters tomorrow


@salt_tae don't worry! it will come back soon! 


@salt_tae i think you have to wait. i checked in the wattpad's help center and they said they're working on it and will soon bring all the deleted books back. 


Guys, give @jiminsidekookie  all of your love. She really needs it right now as of the fact that she's going through a hard time. Stress and problems are weighted on her shoulders and we need to help lighten that load. Shower her with love! I really care about a lot of people, you all are so special to me and i genuinely care about you. Feel free to visit my inbox whenever you need to, I'll help you.


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Okay, so I fucked up again. I realized that the chapters of the White Stag were COMPLETELY MESSED UP. So I tried to fix it. And I did. But the comments that were on the chapters stayed so now, there are comments from another chapter on a certain chapter.