
I barely got any sleep but I’ll be taking naps later. Thank you all so much for 3k reads and we’re almost at 100 followers! :D


Not me crying because my book is coming to an end... I never thought I would be crying because I’m almost finished... and it’s also because of the ending I’m writing but don’t worry it isn’t sad lol This is the only book that has made me cried... maybe because I’ve put so much effort and I’ve worked really hard on it.. 


ANNOUCEMENT: I just finished replying back to everyone on my Kio fanfic that didn’t like the main character because I’ve read all of your comments. That fanfic was written a couple of months ago when they were dating. I’m sorry that the “date complete” shows in August where they’ve already broken up but that’s because I was trying to edit each chapter. For some reason, it didn’t show the edited version. 


ANNOUCEMENT: I just finished replying back to everyone on my Kio fanfic that didn’t like the main character because I’ve read all of your comments. That fanfic was written a couple of months ago when they were dating. I’m sorry that the “date complete” shows in August where they’ve already broken up but that’s because I was trying to edit each chapter. For some reason, it didn’t show the edited version.