
Just released a chapter of my new story called Vengeance! Let me know how you guys like it! it's going to be similar like my other story named "my king i hate".


Hi everyone! I'm back on here looking for some things to write, what should I write??


@ReaperOfStorys you are so sweet, oml <3 i've released more chapters of deep attraction if that is one you are reading!!


@hiimryn what ever you want bc your amazing


Hey I was wondering are you gonna make any more chapters of deep attraction


@hiimryn just read the new chapters they are great. Keep up the good work


@MellowMoon1829 hi! i just released about four more new ones of this story if you are still interested in reading it!!


Hey, no offence bit hte book "the king I hate" seems too close to the book "Arranged Marriage". Alot of the things in your book are the exactly the same as the "Arranged Marriage" book. Not tryna cause a fight, just saying politely.


Hi! Sorry to bother you, I just have a question.
          So your book My King I Hate is pretty much identical to a book called Arranged Marriage from what I've seen. Now although I have nothing wrong with books being inspired by other books, why does it seem so far you've copy-pasted parts of the other author's book into your own. Yes, you have scenes entirely your own, but there are a few that seem copied. 
          I'm sorry if I offend you, but I was just wondering about this. This is a /genq nothing about this is /neg.


sooooo i’ve been thinking about it guys. since i got so much love and support on my book my king i hate…. who wants another chapter or two to end it all up? or if you want me to write a whole other story that goes along with it, what would you want in it?? 


@Maddie_Jacobs I totally agree with what you said! But I would also be completely fine and satisfied if you just wanted to do a few chapters to end it off! :D