
sometimes when i'm feeling sad and need a good laugh, i read the comments readers leave on the last chapter of sutherland <3


Hi I love your Stiles book and I was wondering when you'll be able to update it??


Oh okayyy!! No rush<3


@ILuvStevenWithAV | hi! hopefully soon when i have time. i have not forgotten about it  <3


once again @/stefed_ has posted my story (dear juliette) on their profile without my permission. i'm tired of this. this time around they changed the title and some names. my story but in Portuguese. pls help me out here. im just TIRED of this


@dawngrangers i know, it's so disheartening! they took it down thankfully. thank you for the help <3


i am so SICK of this happening to writers out here :( did they take it down?


Hi there! I'm the new girl on the block and honestly feeling a bit like the new kid in school.  But hey, I've got this book 'Whispers of Shadow" that's like a piece of my soul, and I'd love for you to check it out. If it brings a smile to your face or a thought to your mind, let me know! Your comments and votes would mean the world and keep this writer's heart beating.
          Here is the link:
          Looking forward to connecting and sharing stories with you!


I just finished Sutherland and I’ve got this overwhelming urge to hurl my sneakers at you, I was initially re-reading Dear Juliette because I had this urge to read something heart-wrenching and then, I decided to go for Sutherland instead and it shattered me horribly, as I began the last chapter, I was internally screeching. Both Dear Juliette and Sutherland had me trembling with excitement, fury and had me in tears. And I do really thank you for giving us such wonderfully woven stories. While Dear Juliette made me love the angst, Sutherland had made trembling in fear, on the edge of my seat every now and then, wondering what would happen next. I simply adored both the stories and I really really want you to know that.