
Hi, I wantedto know if you could read my first chapter. I just posted it up yesterday. Your input would be great since we are in the same genre.


@MarioZGutierrez  Sorry for the late reply, but if you have any suggestions for me I would love that! And btw I gave you a shout out on my latest chapter, I know my story is small, but I really do hope you can get far, and I'm trying to get you as much support as possible!


@heyy_its_alice definitely. Thank you! I'm going to follow you and read your stuff as soon as I get out of work. Hope you follow back. Thanks!


@MarioZGutierrez Wow it's like crazy good! My only suggestion would be to have is to work on creating an even better setting and mood, it really gives a reader a feel of the current scene right away, not in the middle. It's already quite good, but it would help. Try taking that advice for your next chapter, I'll definitely stay tuned!