
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
          	I’m thankful for my family, friends, life, followers, and all of you! Thank you so much for everything that made my year special for me! Thank you for all your continuous love on Eternals!
          	I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and weekend! Don’t forget to continue to wear your masks, stay 6ft apart, and have fun (safely)!
          	Stay home and be safe! Spread love not COVID-19!
          	Thank you.


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
          I’m thankful for my family, friends, life, followers, and all of you! Thank you so much for everything that made my year special for me! Thank you for all your continuous love on Eternals!
          I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and weekend! Don’t forget to continue to wear your masks, stay 6ft apart, and have fun (safely)!
          Stay home and be safe! Spread love not COVID-19!
          Thank you.


Hey everyone!
          Happy National Writing Month!
          Going to be doing NaNoWriMo again this year (for fun)! I definitely recommend it to anyone who loves to write or just needs the encouragement to continue.
          Also, on a different note: if any of you writers need help coming up with ideas for your books, have writers block, or just want someone to talk to during these difficult times I’m also here for you no matter what.
          Night ! 


Hi there ☺️ Thank you for following me! I wanted to ask your support for a new fantasy book! It is about immortal girls going to magicians college and learning that the way magic works is different from what everyone says. Can magic run out?
          Be well today <3 


Of course! Thank you for sharing!


Go follow @TheQueensOfSlytherin! She’s an amazing and supportive friend and I really want to help her reach her goal of 200 followers before her birthday May 27th. 
          Please help me make her birthday wish come true! While I’m saying this, she’s an outstanding graphic designer as well. @TheQueensofSlytherin, thank you for helping me reach 100 followers and everything you’ve done for me.


 @TheQueensOfSlytherin No problem, you deserve it! :)


Shoutout to @TheQueensOfSlytherin for making me stunning graphics, helping me resize gifs, and being such an awesome friend! 
          Thank you for always supporting me, being there for me, and being friends with me! 
          Go follow @TheQueensOfSlytherin! 
          Thank you for everything!


@Live_Love_Write_28 i will always be here if you need help