
Hello everyone. I just wanted to say sorry for not posting anything for so long. I'm alive and doing as fine as I can - sorry for any worries.
          	I have full time job, so I work long hours and have to go to bed at a reasonable time most days of the week, and life has been going through some serious changes. So working on writing has been and will go slow, but I really want to dive into it again as much as I can.
          	I'll be going through my stories at the moment, which will take some time to get through all of them; posted and ones I've never posted yet. 
          	I may want to rewrite some altogether honestly; it's been a while since I touched them, so I may want to head into a totally different direction now or think that I can do it better now - or for whatever reason I may have. Others I may go on with, or change some stuff around. I of course have new ideas and stories that I've been working on too - although slowly as a snail. Some that I never posted I may want to scrap or take ideas for other stories after going through them however. It all just depends on what I'm feeling and what I think might be for the best.
          	Writing is one of my favorite hobbies, I want to really get back into it and hope that someone else has as much fun reading it as I do working on it. It's not my job though, so please don't expect updates and new chapters everyday or even on a schedule. It's something I do for fun and want to share the fun with others.
          	Thank you for all the patience and kindness! Sorry again if I worried anyone, wasn't my intention.


Harrish all I have to say is GET THAT BREAD 


@harrish6 I hope one day you will either continue or rewrite Red Daffodils, and concentrate on what's important to you take your time because your health and life is more important.


@harrish6 I’m a new follower of you, and it was really worrying to see you suddenly stop. But I’m glad to know you are okay. I really love the falling in a different destiny old story and the rewrite aswell, especially Mr. Erratum. <3


Heya. Just wanted to check up on you and ask you something. Your book, Become Mine and Mine Alone. I was wondering if I could be allowed to continue it on Ao3. If not, I understand, but I do see potential for it to become a well-loved book.


Did you ever have a Lust/Unlust fic where Lust had a kid….? I remember one, but I’m not sure if I’m delusional


@1016404h Hugs And Glitches by Laughing_Zombie on ao3 is one , i think the have a kid im the next book tho


@1016404h ive seen several but i can remember any names , ill post name if i find em


Hello Harrish6!
          I know it's been a while (a year at most) since you last updated some of your stories and your activities, and that is why I want to say, if you have no interest in these anymore, it's fine! But if it's about the account or personal problems, it is also fine. I just want you to know that, your stories have inspired me to do artworks and even make some of my stories, that I have not uploaded yet. Thank you for your time at the Wattpad community and inspiring many people of the Forced! God of Destruction concept. I wish you well :)