
I’m binging Brigerton rn and it’s making me THIRSTY for some smutty marriage content ya feel 


@haromonyvamp LMFAO you have to wait for that 


THANK YOU for going off at rape sympathisers :)


@haromonyvamp hahaha one of the authors cronies came after me when I wrote a similar thing on another users wall and I didn't even comment on the authors page, they're insane so I reckon being blocked would actually be preferable  


@revenant-cerberus omg any time hun haha it was my pleasure... defo got blocked tho tehe


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I just want to clear up some shitt. I boycotted a rape redemption story. My intentions were not to drive the author of this app. My intention was to ensure that a disgusting brutal rape romance was remove of this app to ensure that young minds are not to continued to time and time again be desensitised to rape and exposed to the idea that women’s bodies are not their own. I am glad that it is gone and I would greatly appreciate it is anyone could point out any other corrupt content on this app because I’m on a roll bitchessss. I am proud to be a woman who is not afraid to share their opinions. Nothing will stop me from standing up for what I believe in. 


@ifrit_of_heaven thank you so much for saying that! And thanks for the recommendation. Sound great I’ll check out now :))


Btw guys check out the forgotten series by mlkoski. She started writing the series because of callous attitude towards abuse in wattpad. She's is awesome, loves her readers and has a great storyline that handles abuse carefully. Check her out. 


this message may be offensive
I read that book as a teenager and I liked it. But now as a 22 year old, it makes me really sad and triggered. It's a bad trope and wattpad is full of this type of stories. It can alter the perception of a young woman. Fortunately I have a better understanding of this topic now. And just the male protagonist regretted the rape because the girl was a virgin. So, is it OK to force someone if they're not virgin? Fuck no!!.
            The author is a sweet person but she needs to take accountability and the readers should let her. I'm not saying people should bad mouth her, absolutely not. By letting her know these reasons politely can help her to improve her writing. I saw your comment and you were very polite and articulate. You were not bullying the author 


@KoskenkorvAla first of all we do not personally attack her. I wish her all the best. I’m sure she is a lovely person. I am happy that she took accountability for her actions. It is not cyberbullying as I did not target her personally. I targeted her content. Yes we were proud and excited that she took it down. Because we all felt strongly that the book shouldn’t be on this platform for reasons I have already discussed. Also I didn’t mention her name because I didn’t do any research on her personally. My research was about her disgusting story. It is more damaging the goals of any human right movement. She was not forced to take it down. We boycotted the story. That was our choice of activism. I take full responsibility for everything I have said and I do not regret any of it. That being said, it is not my responsibility for others actions only my own. Everything I have done to ensure that horrible story was taken down was not thoughtless. I reacted as a true feminist would when seeing an example of a rapist being excused for their brutality. I reacted as a true feminist would when seeing an example of young women being desensitised to rape and it being handed to them on a silver platter labelled as ‘dark romance’. 


@VeronikaVidal trigger warnings do not mean anything. If the author really thought what she was representing was bad she wouldn’t have wrote it. You say people are stupid but all I really see is your ignorance. ‘It’s fiction’ is a ‘stupid’ response. Fiction is a powerful tool. As there are young people on this app, it is the fiction that they read here that sets their expectations for life. They do not deserve to be desensitised to such a brutal action such as rape. When you have an intelligent counter argument I will happily respond :) (posting on here because it won’t let me post on the real thing I commented too much. In the words of Freddie Mercury ‘don’t stop me now I’m having such a good time’)


Gurll I am just here to say I love you, (not in a creepy way,, more like I stan you kinda) 
          I love that you took stand against rape being romanticized in the book. I am glad that I found someone who thinks with their brain rather than vagina. You go girl, I am so proud of you!✨✨


@icantwink omg I love you tooooo thank you so much that means a lot x


I have nothing to readddd help I want dirty dirty smuttttt


@haromonyvamp He wanted to see this new book im writing its pure torture now  and he follows me now 


@temptestremaru your DAD is on wattpad! Rippppppppp


Cause my dads on wattpad now 