
bfa chapter 34 is up! 
          	it’s been a while, i apologise. 6 weeks in a nursing placement really does take up all of your time! 
          	thank you to everyone who has started reading bfa so far, it’s so appreciated and i hope you love it as much as i do already <3


          hi everyone! i thought i should update you all on why i have posted in a while. 
          i started uni again! i’m training to be an adult nurse, so as you can imagine it’s quite full on and stressful. as soon as i’m caught up with all my work, i’ll begin writing and posting again! i hopefully won’t be too long, i miss my little babies sooo much. 
          also a quick note to say thank you to every single one of you who has supported me in any way! to think bfa is on its way to 10k reads after only posting a short while ago, is totally crazy to me. i owe it all to you! i’ve noticed a lot of you adding it to your lists - where are you finding out about it? i’m curious!
          i check my twitter and curious cat regularly, so if you ever need to get in touch, or ask anything, i’m always available on these!
          i’ll be back to myself soon, i promise.
          lots of love <3


5K! wow! thank you to everyone who has supported me in any way! i really appreciate it and i’m glad you’re enjoying it as much as i am! love to you all <3