
Hi everyone. I have decided to take A Love Story  On Ice down completely. It’s not done and will be getting a complete revamp for next year some time. I’m not sure when because I am getting ready to move somewhere else and that has been taking a mental toll on me and I need more time to make it better. Thank you for everyone that loves the story so far. I’ll let you all know more information when the time comes. In the meantime follow my socials that can be found in my beacons link in my bio! 
          	Love Angel Rose 


Hi everyone. I have decided to take A Love Story  On Ice down completely. It’s not done and will be getting a complete revamp for next year some time. I’m not sure when because I am getting ready to move somewhere else and that has been taking a mental toll on me and I need more time to make it better. Thank you for everyone that loves the story so far. I’ll let you all know more information when the time comes. In the meantime follow my socials that can be found in my beacons link in my bio! 
          Love Angel Rose 


Hello everyone I have made a decision to take A Love Story On Ice down. 
          This book needs a lot of editing and cleaning. I have decided to make a series from this. Each Parker Sibling will have a story. 
          I will be working on them offline and will set a deadline for myself to get Nathan and Madison’s story done by December sometime. I will then be posting chapter per chapter of it. 
          The reason I have decided to do this is because this story has some sensitive topics in it and I want to work through them very carefully and portray everything with care and make sure I get it right. 
          I want to give my readers a much better experience than what is currently available. It feels too rushed and I need to clean it all up and make sure the flow is better. 
          Please be patient with me as this is my first novel and I am learning to get what is going on in my head make sense written down. 
          Thank you to my amazing readers for all your encouragement and positive comments. You all really make my heart full and I want to give you a much better reading experience. 
          Love you all so much. Stay tuned for more updates that I will be sharing on my personal instagram @ happy_angelrose 
          My bookstagram @ angelrose_writer 
          On my bookstagram I also share my current reads as well as my favourite reads on there. So if you are looking for your next Kindle read then go on and follow me there. 
          Everything is linked in my beacons page which is linked in my Wattpad bio to stay connected to me. 
          Much love  
          Angel Rose 


Wow. I love the love you all are giving to A Love Story On Ice! The messages on my social media have made my heart so full. Thank you so much. There is more to come soon. I just have some assignments to finish and then more updates will be made!