
@ESMERELDAY aww thats so sweet :) thank you :) i really hope you like the upcoming chapters :)


You're such a talented writer bby, and I hope you know you have so much potential that can get you so far. you're current book is so fabulous, it's insane and I'm so proud of how far you're going with and I know one day you'll be going further than wattpad.  
          (third person attempt)) and also this girl here would also like to thank you berry berry much for all your support in her works and she doesn't think she would have had a short story with out you and all the amazing ideas. lots of love


@haiosha57 bub, I'm not being sweet I'm being honest. ♥


@abiwrites aww your killing me :( your so very incredibly sweet <3 <3 ily ♡♡♡♡♡♡


OMG I love lovely bones!!!!!! I can't believe I heard that some other person likes it too! I like TFIOS as well! :)


@volleyball2424 yeah not many people appreciate The Lovely Bones. It's a great book and even a greater movie :) and come on who doesn't like The Fault in Our Stars?!


okay I want to say some things :) first of all your story is amazing.. your such a talented writer :) and im dying to know what happens next :O so please update soon.. and second of all I really love ur story.. lol its just so unique.. aww :(