
About corrupted blessing, it will be in hiatus as I need to think more about how to utilize the characters I created so they won't be wasted and the story will be more original from now on.


Hi, I hope everything is ok? I'm excited for the next chapter of Divina Curse. The synopsis of this story was something I always wanted to read. But I've never come across a story like this. And you write very incredibly. I'm curious to see what Arthur and Kezess' relationship will be like, Sylvia's warning about her father trying to control Arthur. can it happen through Sylvie? I very much doubt that Arthur can do anything against Kazess or Agrona at the moment. And with Agrona behind him, And will he need the protection of the Asuras? Until he becomes strong enough to protect himself and Sylvie. Guess he'll have to obey Kazess for a while. Kazess doesn't seem to like it much when people don't obey his orders. Will he threaten some of Arthur's friends or punish him for disobeying orders? Arthur will be in the elf kingdom for a long time, I wonder if he will tell virion the truth. So many questions, I'm so excited for the next chapter, thank you so much for writing this exciting story, I'm so happy


@VitoriPotter16 nah dude I just uploaded and thanks for the words


I'm sick again right now as I stayed up all night because my nose keeps getting clogged last night. I won't upload any chapters right now and my final exams are right away the corner. Hope u guys will excuse me. Thnx


@guy_under_the_bed  just take care of ur self dude. And focus on ur exams for now. And ofc Fate is a bitch 


Hi, I know you're still going to read vol 10 of the novel. I can only say that when you reach the current chapters it will be absolute chaos, I still can't believe what I read. In today's chapter, there are incredible words to describe. each chapter better than the last.


@VitoriPotter16 im still waiting for the audiobook but yeah 


First of all, thank you very much I almost couldn't believe it when I saw the notification and it was your new story ''Divine Curse''. I was eagerly awaiting the first chapter of this story. Brilliant, every minute I was reading I had a smile on my face. You write in a phenomenal way, it was incredible. I will be waiting for the next chapter of this exciting story. Thank you one more time.


Heya I'm back and just started writing. My skills are kinda dull right now so i believe this chapter will take time to be molded so just wait a few days. I'll be back again with my 2k to 3k words quota.


@Joseghkl4 it is on the description of the story and it's caera


@guy_under_the_bed Hello friend, a question about what your story is about and what relationships are there?


this the author, the chapter will be delayed so I'll write a 5k word next week see ya


@guy_under_the_bed o importante e que será postado e que  o incidente do expectated betrayal nunca se repita (fora isso boua escrita pra você ♥️)


Hi, I know the story TBATE - Divine Curse. has not yet been published. And I have one question, I actually have several. You don't need to answer. I think I want to talk about this a little. That's the question. Arthur, as Sylvia's son with Agrona, was born when Sylvia was still a prisoner in Alacrya. or in the Forest Cave? Will Sylvia inform Arthur about more things than in the Original story? Like Nico and Cecília. Will the Leywin, Virion and the Xyrus people still be in the story? Will Arthur meet them? These are my questions, like I said, you don't need to answer them. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of this story. Thank you very much and I hope all is well with you. cheers.


yes we will still meet the main cast and the other questions will be answered by the chapters itself