
∗     cb girpc !


  ﹐      is..    this the place?⠀ ⠀ ❜


  ﹐      sorashi had remained quiet,   eyes simply studying the ancient ruins.   he wasn't part of the vahumana or haravatat so he never truly understood the delicacy of ancient ruins and the history.    the shorter quickly glances at them,    ears hiding inside long white locks. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ❛⠀ ⠀ well,    don't think of it like that...     if you had truly fallen with them..     i⎯⎯i would have never met you.⠀ ⠀  ❜⠀ ⠀ ⠀   oh,   sorashi could never think of a life without sohail.    his heart aches just at the thought of it.    


@reflows |⠀  "⠀yes,  this is..  the place.  my once beloved home.⠀"   it was the ruined ancient city of gurabad,  where he once served the ruler kisra parvez.   [...]   so many memories belied the many rubles which surrounded them.   "⠀.. sometimes i do wonder,  what if i had fully succumbed to my death?⠀"
            ∗     okay semi-angst it is then smirks


       ❀ ̼    i dont even remember.    go kray zee


❛    are  you  planning  on  proposing  to  me,   sohail?    ❜


   ﹐      sorashi cannot help the smile that displays on his features,    as well as the growing blush.    they're sitting side by side⎯⎯well,    sorashi is leaning into sohail,   leaving the necromancer barely to no breathing space.    sorashi's hand intertwines with the other,   the size difference obvious but something sorashi had loved since the beginning.   sorashi fits perfectly into the mold sohail creates.     his gaze moves upwards to finally look sohail in the eyes.   he was thinking aloud at first,    but he's glad he mentioned it.   his gaze falls back on their hands,    ears pressed tight against his head,    and he's hyper-focused on how empty their ring fingers look. ⠀⠀  ⠀ ❛⠀ ⠀ i wasn't all keen on marriage before,   sohail,    but you...     you've changed my mind.    i don't think i could ever love someone as much as i love you.   i would,   honest to the gods above,    marry you in a heartbeat.⠀ ⠀ ❜


@reflows |⠀  "⠀..  no need to apologize.⠀"   cheeks burn a burgundy shade,  flustered,  though nonetheless happy by the mere thought.   "⠀i do,   oh i want to─⠀"   a smile,  it's like his own heart had begun beating by itself.   "⠀it has always been my dream to marry someone and have a family..  something i failed to achieve when the plague began years ago.⠀"


⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ֺ♰༅  
              ﹐     i apologize..    as an oracle,    i cannot help but think of the future. ⠀ ⠀ ❜⠀ ⠀ ⠀  there's a giggle that erupts behind his hand,    now he's gotten all shy.    he didn't know sohail would be caught so off guard!⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ❛⠀ ⠀ i would like to get married.    wouldn't you?⠀ ⠀ ❜


❛   stop !     don't  hit  me !     i  apologized  for  leaving !!    they  wouldn't  allow  me  to  leave  inazuma !     this  detective  was  persistent  on  my  help !!!     ❜


⠀ ⠀ ⠀ֺ♰༅  
              ﹐     i didn't!    no,    i swear i hadn't forgotten about you!    i would never,    sohail!⠀ ⠀ ❜⠀ ⠀ ⠀  he's grabbing onto sohail for dear life,    in attempt to call down his anger...     he hadn't meant to be away for so long!    he swears on every lord they both believe in.


@reflows ,⠀"⠀you forgot about me,   did you?   now i won't let you go this time.⠀"   sohail was a bit upset,   well,   just a tad.   [he rarely does honestly]   but it's quite intimidating to witness.


you’re a creep.


@labratorys ٫⠀  the necromancer shook his head,   a soft laugh is uttered. ⠀ "i assure you i'll be fine even without a mask." ⠀ he gingerly beams. ⠀ "the jinni within me protects me in every way.    it won't allow any harm done upon me,   because we are one."


@gurabad,               as long as you don’t press your face so close,   we’ll be fine.   besides,   you’re not wearing a mask.   one puff of this and you might inhale poison,      (    dr.   verna warns,   brows furrowing.    )


@labratorys ٫⠀  "i'm merely looking.  no harm done." ⠀ after his face is shoved,   his gaze wander elsewhere. ⠀ "am i being a distraction?"


such practices,   just how are you able to achieve it? 


@labratorys ٫⠀  "hm," ⠀ with science...   it's quite hard to achieve.   yet she seemed hopeful to find an answer regarding it.    he did not want to break her spirits,   but he also did not want to lie. ⠀ "i don't know if what i'll say is appropriate,   since i use magic to do so.    but in my opinion,   it could be possible.    but thus far,   i've never heard of someone of that caliber whose under the workings of science alone to be able to achieve that." ⠀ expressed sohail.
            "when i was a student at the akademiya,   i had tried to perform it without the use of necromancy.   i didn't want to rely on something so...  taboo─┄   but unfortunately,   there was no progress."


@gurabad,              do you think it’s possible to revive someone..   using science?      (    it was a harmless question,   but a part of dr.   verna was withholding certain information from the other.   lips pressing together slightly.    )


@labratorys ٫⠀  "i see," ⠀ the necromancer pauses,  after contemplating about it...   one supposed that it shouldn't hurt to agree. ⠀ "well then,   ask away fellow traveller."


it..  has been a while.  my apologies for not visiting often.


thank you,   sethos.  work has been quite the challenge but i quite enjoy it.  i am still not used to the strict regulations of fontaine,  however...   it is nice to be back.


⠀⠀  ৎ ﹡    ៹⠀ @aequitast ꓹ ⠀ ⠀please,   you needn't worry and trouble yourself with the thought.    though it has been awhile,   i did miss your company.